The Date: Part 2

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No way this is real life, I thought. I must have sworn this was a dream. No way the girl of my dreams is standing right in front of me, and holy cow she looks absolutely beautiful. No, scratch that, she looks absolutely breathtaking. She's gorgeous, no, even more than that. Even if I looked through the entire dictionary, there wouldn't be words to describe how beautiful she looked. I just stood there with my mouth slightly agape. I didn't know what to do in the moment. I mentally slapped myself. Get it together man.

"You look beautiful Phoebe."

Phoebe looked at me with those beautiful chocolate-brown eyes of hers. Those eyes spoke of innocence, yet a deep burning fire. Eyes were truly the windows to the soul. I could see her past, her present, even her future. I could get lost staring at those eyes all day. I then realized that I was staring again. Man, I got to stop doing that. I need to keep focused; I need to be in the moment. Also, the next step is to stop talking to myself. I wonder how stupid I look right now.

"Thanks, Finn. You look really cute today."

Wait did I just see and hear that? I'm not dreaming? She still thinks I'm cute! She even blushed! She gave me that cute smile that just melts my heart. How could someone not love her? She was just mmm. Words cannot describe how she makes me feel.

"Should we head out?"


Well, this is going great. Even though I'm being a spaz right now, she doesn't seem to notice. All I have to do is play it cool for the rest of the night, and everything will work out. Also, I didn't notice Cinnamon Bun. I wonder where he is? He normally follows Phoebe everywhere, or maybe he's learned personal space. Maybe I'll ask her about it another day. For now onto movie night.

When we got to my car, I opened the door for her, like a gentleman should do. As I walked around I admired my vehicle. It was so unlike me but I got the car in a nice candy-apple red. It was glorious. A true piece of art. The all black and red interior was beautiful. I know the color isn't like me, but I'm a new me now. I got in and drove off. It would take us a minute to get down there. The movie starts at 7, and even though it was around 6:30, I still liked to be a little early.

"Finn, is that outfit new? It's not at all like your style."

"Oh I figured I'd change things up, I mean since everything's changing, might as well change with them."

"I know right? Everything's so quiet and peaceful now. I like it though, it's a lot less chaotic for rulers like me."

"I guess that's pretty nice for you. I honestly feel so useless since all the monsters have seemed to disappear. I mean who needs a hero in a peaceful world?"

"How's that been for you, it sounds awful."

"It hasn't been too bad, I've been adjusting well to my new surroundings. Everything seemed to flip on its head after the great battle. I've had to move into a new house, but it's at the very top. I have a great view of the grasslands, so it hasn't been all that bad. I've taken up a few hobbies to try and fill in my time. How was your rap tour?"

"Oh it was a major success. I toured all around Ooo, and did rap battles everywhere. Obviously I won all of them because I'm awesome, but honestly the best part was seeing Ooo. It's such a beautiful place. Anyways..."

While Phoebe continued to describe her time I just enjoyed watching and hearing her speak. I loved how she put so much attention to certain things or inflections at other points. She looked so cute when she was talking as well, like how her eyebrows furrowed in such a way when she recalled things, was just so cute. She maybe didn't know it, but she made me feel like putty in her hands. How she could control how I felt just by simple expressions was magic.

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