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Finn's POV:

The sun is around 91.4 million miles away from Ooo, and it takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for its light to travel to Ooo. All that space and work just for the light to stream through my window and wake me up. Of all the places it could have gone, it went through the crack through my curtains right into my eyes. I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes. I swung my legs over the side of the bed then stood up and walked outside onto my balcony.

The cold concrete sent chills up my spine. It was early, 6:30 to be precise, and why was I standing outside in the middle of March without my shirt on? I'm not sure either. It's pretty peaceful out right now; the only sounds I hear are the birds twittering away their happy songs. I look over my balcony towards the grasslands. I should thank PB for putting up my balcony overlooking the Fern tree. That was a nice sentiment, and It's my reminder of my days of being a hero. I'm glad I could fulfill Fern's last request and plant him by the treehouse, or rather where it was. Hopefully it put his spirit at rest. I looked back to the horizon to watch the rest of the sunrise. I breathed deeply and enjoyed the candy city at peace.

It's been a while since I've felt at peace; however, this is not an exception. My mind is still very much in turmoil, and I haven't slept without tossing and turning in days. MY life is already over before it's even started. A hero in a place that didn't need saving. I wonder what the future will bring for me? My adventures have come to a close, my duties fulfilled, yet I'm not even eighteen. I need a purpose, I need someone to give a purpose. I need to fill my hole in my heart. Take a look at Jake, he has an entire family now, and he tries to be the best father and husband that he can be. He's a better father now after all his kids are grown up than he was when they were first born.

Honestly as much as I want a relationship, I am at a complete loss. Dating, relationships, love, commitment, and all this romantic junk is stuff I'm inexperienced at best. First I barely know how to keep a relationship, but I know even less with getting one. Jake was one of the reasons I started dating Flame Princess in the first place, so I haven't even gotten a girlfriend on my own. I'm nowhere near a romantic, but the brightside could be I could literally walk up to any princess and they'd agree to date me. I guess that's the problem because I want a real relationship. I want a genuine connection. I want love so badly, but I'm just so lost in this treacherous sea of emotions. I'm drowning in the sea without a boat to keep me afloat.

I continued to muse within my thoughts until I realized it was already 7:30. Not only had I spent an hour lost in my own thoughts, but it was Sunday. Jake was coming over in one hour for Sunday breakfast, and not only was I not ready for the day, I haven't even started cooking yet. I started running across the room to get to the bathroom. I started stripping along the way to save time, unfortunately in my rushing, I tripped while taking off my pants and fell flat on my face. I groaned in pain, but I picked myself up and continued on. I turned on the shower, not even waiting for the water to get warm; I hopped in. After a short five minute shower, I changed into some clothes and began cooking.

Today I was actually excited for Sunday breakfast. I couldn't wait for Jake to try out this new recipe I had found. It's called French Toast, and I found it in one of the many recipe books I've gotten from the library. And yes, I know how to cook now because Jake taught me how with the intent that one day I would have to take care of a family and have to provide and cook and all that family stuff. Anyways I'm getting off track, French toast is one of the greatest things I have ever tasted, it almost rises up to the level of bacon pancakes. I mixed together my batter to dip the bread in. I dipped my bread slices in the batter then started to fry them up. A rich sweet aroma filled the entire penthouse. At 8:30 on the dot Jake arrived, despite Jake's history of tardiness.

"Hey Jake! How you been doing Bro? IT's been a while, and hey it's about time you showed up to something on time!"

"You shut your mouth Finn. I've been on time for every breakfast we've done together."

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