More than one

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Phoebe's POV

I hung up the phone and giggled to myself. This was going so well. Not only have I seen Finn more than once since I got home, but we even kissed. The icing on the cake is that we have a date together this Friday! I honestly couldn't be more excited. I can already imagine the scenario in my head of Finn coming back into my life and sweeping me off my feet. He would be the perfect gentlemen, and we can live happily ever after. Friday could be the day that seals our relationship together.

I've been hoping for this for too long. I was happy with us apart, honestly it gave us some time to really think and grow. We had both matured as individuals, and we aren't kids anymore. We don't have to stay apart forever just because it didn't work out once. We have lives to live, and I'm ready to live my life. I want someone in my life, and I'm a hundred percent sure I'm ready to be with someone again.

I guess my only problem is that I'm so unsure about Finn. There are so many perks about going back to him. I honestly want him more than anything else, but you can't help but think if it's the right decision. He might like me, and I might like him, but the fact is it might not even work out between us. It doesn't matter that he's the best kisser I've ever had, or he's insanely sweet and compassionate, I have a kingdom to run. I have priorities and responsibilities as a leader. I can't leave it all behind to play teenager and go chase Finn. I have to think about my citizens. I guess I have to take a page out of Bubblegum's book and play it carefully. Besides if it works out between the two of us, would he even want to help me rule? If he didn't, then what? I have to think about the future.

My plan will be to just use our first date as a tester. If it goes well, I'll agree to a second date. After that I think I'll be able to make my decision to see if it's right for us to be together. In order for my plan to work I have to play it right. I did sound a bit desperate on the phone, and I can't be jelly in Finn's hands. I can't instantly fall to his feet, and bend at every gaze. I can't fall victim to that sexy body, those irresistible blue eyes, and that voice that... Hold up! I'm getting distracted. I have to play hard-to-get, but not hard enough to where it'll scare him off. He didn't have to be interested in me, we were simply friends. We've already had our chance together, so I have to be irresistible. He can have any girl in Ooo, and he's taking me on a date.

A problem could be, even though we both grew as people after our break up, Finn and I differ because he may have stayed relatively single, I moved onto someone else. I wasn't happy either when we broke up. I honestly thought we were soulmates, but I guess that's what you think when you're a teenager. The first guy that ever expresses interest in you must be the only person for you; you were supposedly made for each other. I did cry over Finn, but I don't see why that would be a surprise. It was like he ripped my heart directly out of my chest then proceeded to throw it in a wood chipper. Okay, that might be a bit drastic, but you get the picture, my entire world was thrown into a dizzy of heartbreak and teenage emotions. I guess you can see why I haven't instantaneously gone back to a guy like Finn.

I say I didn't go back to a guy like Finn, but I never said I never went back to a guy. I was so broken that I needed someone to feel pretty and loved. Is that shallow? Yes, and I'm not proud of what happened between us. This relationship isn't known because we made sure no one would ever find out. His name was Chris. He of course was a flame person because naturally who else do you date? He was the exact opposite of Finn. I could touch him, hug him, even kiss him without him feeling any pain. He was muscular, definitely better looking than Finn, and a bad boy. Any girl for him was as passing as a tissue in the wind. As a result it lasted for that long, but not because he found a different girl to date.

Our relationship was almost all physical. There was no shared love or support between us. He told me I was pretty and all the things needed to get in my pants... err dress. At first I just overlooked all the red flags. He was a rebound so naturally I only cared about feeling good about myself. If the one guy you first love lies to you and breaks your heart, you would naturally want to blame yourself. I stayed with him for so long because I wanted to make the pain go away. I loved the fact that we could be a real couple without one of us suffering, but as the days wore on, it was less and less special. Chris was never a hero, and I guess that's why I'm so attracted to Finn.

Chris wasn't the hero that stole my heart. He lacked the compassion and connection I had with Finn. I did eventually leave Chris for a different reason from him not being Finn. As much as I wished he was Finn, that's a dick move leaving a guy for not being a different guy. The problem was that Chris kept pushing our relationship farther and farther. Would try to seduce me multiple times and never respect my boundaries. He always told me that he could have any girl, and I should be "lucky" that he chose me. He would always threaten to leave me and tell everyone that I was dating him. He would always try to blackmail me, and eventually I would oblige to save my reputation. One day I decided I had enough. I couldn't let him continue to walk over me and blackmail me, so I took matters into my own hands. He may have been made of fire but he was burned that day. I banished him from the fire kingdom, and that's the end of our story together.

He will forever be my secret, and perhaps I loved Chris, but the way things went it was destroyed and never reciprocated. I lied to my heart to stop the pain, and I see the irony of it all because Finn is not only the cause of my heart ache but a solution to it. The guy who broke my heart into pieces is the one I long for almost everyday now. I can feel in my heart some days because I want him so badly. It may all seem pathetic for me to be this love sick over a guy, but Finn makes me feel so many different things. I may be a strong woman who can get things done on my own, but I need a hero. A hero to sweep me off my feet: one who is strong and ready for anything. I need a hero like Finn.

Only he can make my head go foggy, and make me lose all coherent thought. He's the one who can make my knees weak; I'm jelly in his hands. There's no denying that I'm falling hard for him. My plan will keep me safe, and let me see if I'm really feeling love and not desperation or loneliness. All I have to do is wait for my hero to rescue me.

Well, I have the rest of my day to do all my duties. Oh boy have I been slacking these past few days, all for a simple boy! He wasn't just a "simple boy," but it's absolutely ridiculous how much drama I'm creating for one boy! I have spent nearly half a day just thinking about him, and I may be a Queen, but at times I am very much a teenager. I have to push my thoughts away from him. Until Friday, and with that I left my room to finish whatever monotonous leader task that needed to be done. 

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