The Phone Call

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I woke up still on that euphoria of that kiss. I moved to an upright position, taking deep breaths as I went over last night's events. I had the best sleep I've had in months and it's over. I just want to go back asleep to keep experiencing that wonderful kiss. I can't get enough of her: the way her lips tasted, the way we moved together in unison, and just the longing I feel without her. I felt complete for a small moment when I was kissing her.

I want her back more than anything. At first it was a feeling I tried to suppress, but after last night it couldn't be more clear to me. I want her more now than ever before, and I thought I had moved on. I tried so hard to move on and be mature. Perhaps I did move on, but I have a hole in my heart. I know who can fill it, and it wouldn't be with any other girl or princess. I want it to be the one and only Flame Queen. It won't just be Flame Queen, but mine, my Phoebe. I will do anything to get back in her life.

Right now she's single. She can be taken by any other man in Ooo. I will fight my way back into her heart no matter who stands in my way. I have a plan this time to be with Phoebe once again. I want to take it slow, and slowly work my way back into her life. She's already agreed to go on a date with me sometime, so all I need to do is not mess it up. Timing will definitely be my enemy for this.

The problem is that if I don't act soon why would she wait around for me? I need to seize my opportunity before it slips away. I also can't be desperate; I can't fall to her every whim. I've fallen for her. But if I'm desperate then I can scare her away. I also don't want to be too fast to avoid scaring her away as well. I need to be calm and collected, calculating at every step. I can't be a doormat, I will be the hero of Ooo, her hero. I will be unobtainable, except Phoebe will be the only one with the key to my heart.

Right now I'm just a friend to her, an ex. Yes we may have kissed, but that could be were both longing for company. I was ordinary to her, a friend. I have to be a perfect man to fall back into her life. I'm 18, yet I don't have a purpose. My purpose will be to be her knight in shining armor, yes, the one who will sweep her off her feet and carry her into the sunset. I just have one teeny problem with my plan.

I have no clue where to even begin. I have high aspirations for me to get this to work, but where I could achieve these goals I do not know. I have an opportunity, and I won't let it slip, I'll capture this moment.

I went to go change for the day. I made Jake and I some breakfast, then I wished him safe travels as we went back home to Lady. I need to start devising my plan. I already have part of my work done for me. I know she's willing to be with me because she kissed me and she agreed to a date. I just need to cement it by calling her and scheduling a fate. It's not a difficult task, but I only have one call. Funny, I'm like a prisoner right now because I have only one call. I'm a prisoner of love, and this one call can save me of a life without her.

I ran through my script in my head. I had to make sure I knew exactly what to say. It was very simple, easy enough for me not to screw it up, but not simple enough to be plain and boring. It went something like:

"Hey Phoebe, I had an amazing time with you last night. You said you would be willing to go on a date with me sometime. I'm calling because I would like to invite you to movie night this Friday for a date?"

It was perfect. No way I could screw this up. As long as she said yes everything would fall into place. I had it all set in my head so I picked up the phone and put in her number. I sat in silence while the incessant buzzing continued to ring in my ear.

My heart rate started to increase with every passing second. Why was she taking so long to pick up? My hands started to sweat, and my mind started to race with all these different scenarios. I started imagining all the bad scenarios where she said no. My mind started to spiral downwards with visions of a life without meaning filled with solitude and regret. My brain was racing so fast that I barely registered that she picked up. That sent my mind going from full speed to a screeching halt in point-zero seconds.

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