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Mei looked at the back of Naruto, who was standing tall in one of the ruined buildings in the island of Uzushiogakure, his ancestral home. His entire rear was hidden by a black coat that reached down his ankles. A kanji for ''Kami'' was written on the back of the coat; it also had high collars that reached above his ears. Two swords were strapped on his back; one with a red hilt was peering from his right shoulder and the one with a black hilt was on the left side.

The symbol of Kami said it all; he was a god in the Shinobi world. He was a SSS-rank international criminal who made fun of the power of kages. He was a shinobi who beat kages like a Jonin beating the lights out of the fresh academy graduates. Many people called him by many names, some despicable, but to her, he was none other than Uzumaki Naruto, her lover, her dream world husband.

Mei had no atom of doubt in her mind that it was warranted for people to call him names and infamously rank him as a god amongst man, despite being branded an international criminal. He was the first man to be ranked SSS-rank after all. In a more demonstration of his power, he used all five elements to godly level. He was also a master of Fuinjutsu, capable of doing with seals. Some even rumored that there was no seal he couldn't analyze.

Sharingan no Kakashi was hailed for copying over 1000 jutsus, Naruto didn't copy anything - he invented over 1000 jutsus, in each of the five main elements. He was the only to have more than 100 S-rank jutsus under his belt. He could make it rain lightning bolts, or fire, he could control the storms. His control of chakra and the elements was so refined that he controlled natural disasters.

This was Uzumaki Naruto, the notorious SSS-rank criminal, but not everything was as it appeared.

For more than 5 years he's been her Naruto, and though she would never say it to anyone for fear of her own safety, it has been the best five years of her unmarried life. It would have been a dream comes true if they didn't have to hide from the eyes of the world each time they met, it would be the story of her life she could walk around the streets of Kiri flaunting him like he was her playboy. But even if their relationship was a secret, it didn't mean spending time with him wasn't any fun.

It was loads of fun and she enjoyed every moment. She was the only person Naruto showed his smile after all.

Association with Naruto was punished with death, no questions asked. It was a law that was handed down by Kages of the Great Five Hidden Villages. This is why she had to keep it a secret from everyone, even someone like Ao. No soul knew of their relationship. Uzumaki was cursed everywhere and said to be the cause of all sorts of trouble, it was even taboo to mention his name, and hence he was usually revered as ''The Demon God.''

Naruto was a menace after all. He had brought chaos and death to each major village; he'd beat down the twin heroes of Kumogakure singlehandedly, inside Kumogakure, in broad daylight while the shinobi of the village watched. He had beat the Raikage in a battle of speed by a large margin that left the whole of Kumo standing still trying to comprehend the situation. It seemed unbelievable, one man, defeated two Jinchurikis with full access to the powers of their Bijuus, and the Raikage, but Naruto had done it, without an army: he was only using Lightning, Fuinjutsu, and Genjutsu, as well as kenjutsu and taijutsu.

The former loud and unpredictable teen was now the most wanted men in the world, with a record bounty of 1 and 9 zeros. The amount was funded by a total number of 13 shinobi villages, with the Great Villages contributing the most amounts. So many lives had been lost in his ''killing sprees,'' or ''rampages.'' Each of the great village was affected as well as some small villages.

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