The Ignorance of a God

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A/N... this is actually chapter 3, but I thought I add it first just to push the pacing a bit. The next chapter will return to normal things will be somewhat of a flashback just so I can explain what really led Naruto to the situation he finds himself in...

Disclaimer: The Omnipresent Sage does not own Naruto or Fairy Tail.

The Ignorance of a God

Demon? God? Demon God?

Naruto had been called by many tittles, so many names. The glorious days in the Elemental Nations saw him lose much of his humanity to become a God, a Demon, a messenger of death. The only thing that remained human about him was his relationship with Mei. Had it not been for the relationship with the Mizukage, he would have lost everything, including all his emotions. He killed for a living after all.

There were so many things he did for power; he'd tortured his body many times during his hazardous training time. Kurama was always standing on the side with a needle of life once he did something ridiculous that ended with almost blowing his body apart. The Bijuu was always working overtime to heal his self-inflicted wounds that would kill a normal person.

Kurama's chakra had so worked within his system on a daily basis that it had become part of him. Inside his chakra system, the vile demonic chakra of the Bijuu could be traced, mixing with his own. His body grew so much used to it that it no longer did him any damage as it was already in his system.

Power was something he didn't lack; he had it in abundance.

All that would not have mattered anyway; he would have eventually died sooner. Three is a saying that everything has a price; the power he'd attained had cost him much of his life-span. Despite having the Uzumaki genes and having the ''Full'' power of Kurama inside of him, as well the Gedo Mazo, it made no difference.

He had put so much damage to his body during his training time that it reduced his life span by a great margin. His body couldn't keep wounds, but he got screwed by having his life-span reduced each time he used Kurama's power to regenerate any damaged muscle. He'd tried working of Fuinjutsu to work around the problem, but all he ever got was the middle finger.

After the battle with Nagato, he'd taken the Gedo Mazo and buried it inside of him - in the depths of his soul. He'd thought that if he died with it, then the Juubi wouldn't be born again and it would increase his life-span. But nothing worked for his favor - the Gedo Mazo only stopped his body from showing signs of reduced life-span. To be more precise, it stopped him from aging quickly, but it didn't change the reality. He was just wearing a genjutsu just like Tsunade did.

That was the cost of the godly power he'd attained.

Though he wished to live a better life than the previous life, nothing much had changed here. He was still a God, at least no longer a demon. The power he holds makes him question why he was brought into such a world. If he had been brought into this world to live peacefully, wouldn't it be better for him to have been stripped of his power? It would have made sense if it was like that.

Naruto sighed as he looked above the clear sky, standing on top of a tree, within a large mountain. It has been more than six months since he used the 'God Magic' or even his chakra. It has been that long since he raised his hand in preparing for a fight with someone. The environment he lived didn't need him to use any of that magic, and he enjoyed all the time that was available to him to read and develop better seals.

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