A Mortal God

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Lahar had his eyes wide. This was a disaster. This was seriously a huge problem. He had known there had been an emergency when Doranbolt called him. But Lahar hadn't expected to see the Headquarters of the Magic Council in smokes. This was the second time the Council was being destroyed under his watch. The first incident had been when Ultear betrayed it. This was worse though. There was nothing left. Most likely, the members of the Council were all dead or would be killed if they were not careful. Without the Council, even if it was temporary, they could not do anything and dark guilds would surely revel in this. They would rejoice now that they were able to do whatever they wanted.

He looked around and found Doranbolt sitting by himself. He walked over to the man with a stern look on his face. "What happened here?"

"I was giving my report to the chairman when they appeared," Doranbolt. "It is Tartaros. They will start hunting other members of the Council now."

Lahar had thought this much but he hadn't thought that the dark guild would make a move on the Council. This was dangerous. What could they do though? They didn't even have much information on the Dark Guild. "How did you survive?"

"The chairman told me to escape," Doranbolt said. "We need help, Lahar. We can't allow Tartaros to get away with this. Who knows what they are planning with this?"

"Whatever it is, it is nothing good," Lahar grunted. "I know someone who might know something about them. No, I am positive that he knows something..." Naruto had made it his mission to destroy Dark Guilds. He surely came across Tartaros along the way. He hadn't even denied knowing something the last time they spoke.

But would the blond tell him anything? No, he had to tell him something. The situation was dire and they could not just sit back. He could not turn a blind eye on this. Naruto wouldn't either. But Lahar was quite positive that the blond would be happier that the Council was gone. They had been going after him after all. It was a problem. He surely would have his doubts if Naruto decided to take part in the reforming of the council. It would be naïve of him to think that Naruto didn't have his intentions when he did his things. But then again, so did Doranbolt.

Doranbolt turned to face Lahar. He knew the man had connections with Naruto. It wasn't questionable since the blond was one of the Wizards Saints, but on another angle, there was something happening between the two. "You must be speaking about Naruto."

Lahar nodded. "He had been destroying Dark Guilds before. He should know something about them..." he said. "What did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking of asking members of Oracion Seis for information. They are closest to the alliances so they should know something." He said.

Lahar frowned; more prisoners. It was bad enough that they had Jellal and Ultear running around. They didn't want those out as well. There would be no order in this world. "They will most likely demand to be freed in exchange for providing this information."

Doranbolt nodded calmly. "Which is why I suggest we follow your lead. If nothing comes out of it, we will do it my way," he said.

"I will try to get in touch," Lahar said. "What is going to happen now?"

"There are ways to deal with such issues. Retired members of the Council will know what to do," Doranbolt said. "But there will be a reform and it isn't something we can do anything about. You have to think that there are still the Ten Wizard Saints."

Lahar nodded. There was really nothing they could do except for fighting Tartaros. And fight the Guild they will. The Council had even given him orders to look into the guild. But they would need that man's power. Tartaros was at the top of the food chain with regards to dark guilds. They had to do something about them. Perhaps Naruto would be willing to play his role. If not, they would have to put a job request to legal guilds to get them to help with this issue. The magic world was surely not going to stand still and watch such events unfold without trying to take part.

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