Chapter 26

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Hisui smiled at Naruto, seeing him once again just gave her joy. She had truly missed his presence over the past weeks. Seeing him was a joy, but seeing the look on his face, she could see that he wasn't here for a social visit, he was here for business. Then again, when was he ever in the Imperial Castle for a social visit? It was always mixed with business. She really wished for more though.

"Hello Princess," Naruto greeted the green haired young lady. "You still look radiant as ever," he added with a small smile.

He was beginning to live his life; that was very obvious. Well, he was a man and he did have his edges as well as needs. Besides, although he may not want to say it aloud, he was still a human. He'd just crossed the boundaries between humans and gods when it comes to power. In any case, he was beginning to look at life in all angles, looking forward to being actually happy rather than just focusing on his agendas and selfish needs.

Before he even engaged in this world, he had actually been living a normal life. It had been fun and he could actually say that he had enjoyed the normal life. But since he engaged the magic world, there has always been something that was in the way and he was the problem to his happiness. Well, that didn't seem like it was going to be a problem anymore. He could live his life in any way he wants. He had proven it once that he could adapt to this normal.

"Well, I do have my image to uphold," Hisui said with a smile. "You look lively as well, a bit strong though," she said in a curious tone.

"Some changes, but nothing to worry about," the blond said a bit dismissively. He didn't have his Rinnegan activated as he didn't wish to have questions asked of him and since he wasn't really here to stay for too long, there was no need to do something that will attract questions and lengthen his stay. It would certainly be long if he does end up coming across Toma. That was something he would avoid.

"I see," Hisui said, getting the feeling that he didn't wish to speak about whatever it was that he was presumably hiding.

"Tell me," Naruto begun as the two walked through the passages in the castle. "When the Alvarez tried to attack this country, did it really have to do with Fiore or was there something specific that they wanted? I don't see why they would simply just attack for the sake of it. There had to be a reason."

Hisui appeared to think about it for a moment. "That attack was stopped by the magic council and I think even now the reason they don't attack is because they fear the weapons of the Council," the princess said in a thoughtful tone.

Naruto suspected that to be the case, but he wanted to know about this. The empire was surrounded by a shroud of mysteries yet it was certain that there was something that they were looking for in this country. If Zeref just wanted to wage war against Fiore, he wouldn't have stopped and he would have done something about the Council. Naruto was certain of it. Zeref wasn't just that power hungry Lord who wished to crush everything under his might.

There had to be a reason.

"The Council does have some powerful weapons," Naruto said with a nod: Weapons that they tended to use with negligence. That was something that Naruto wanted to stop from happening again. It could not be allowed to be a thing that happens on a regular basis. "Do you know of the reasons behind the attack?"

Hisui shook her head. "I don't really know," she said. "My father doesn't really talk about it. He just says it is a thing of the past and he is a bit careless about it since they were stopped."

Naruto frowned at that thought. Not that the king was careless about the matter but about the fact that Hisui didn't know of the reasons. The magic Council didn't have anything specific either. Asking Lahar would likely bring him nothing in turn. But he would still have to talk to the man about it and other things.

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