The Timeless Void

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The testing grounds just behind the Royal castle were still the same; nothing had changed since the last time he came into this place.

Naruto found himself staring deeply into the empty space that was ahead of him; for trying to play hero, he had been forced to enter into the magical world, a world he'd not thought of joining any time soon, despite possessing great magic. This was the training ground he made a deal in order to save Aika. He was only grateful that he hadn't made the deal with the devil.

Well, even if he had, it wouldn't have been a problem; even he had the mask of the devil.

''What is it that you want to show me, Naruto?'' the soft voice of Hisui spoke from behind him.

The Princess of Fiore was honestly ecstatic to see that her favorite blond had returned to the capital, and had come to see her. She had truly missed him, his presence, his smell. Basically, she missed everything about him. It wasn't to say that he was flawless and perfect in everything that he did. He had his own flaws as a human, but he always made up by his brains, and heart.

She wasn't able to express just how much she had missed, just how much she wanted to hold him close to her. She really missed the times they used to study together. When he had appeared in the castle, he didn't give her time to jump on him, figuratively of course; he had shushed her and told her to lead the way into the testing grounds, after just greeting her. He only said he wanted to show her something, but didn't explain.

She was a little disappointed that it has been almost three months since they last talked and he was acting like they had just spoken yesterday. She assumed that it wasn't the case with that woman though. Surely, that woman didn't seem to mind anything; she wouldn't be surprised if she had stuffed her tongue down his throat when the blond revealed himself to her. Still, she didn't say anything; she merely led the way to this place while her thoughts kept her busy.

Naruto turned around to face the princess, 'his beloved princess' as Aika put it. What he'd discovered was that she was a little jealous of his relationship with Hisui. Perhaps she was insecure, thinking he may leave her or just stop showering her with affection and focus on Hisui. Naruto didn't think too much of it though. He'd known Hisui for the longest time and he couldn't actually read her as much as she read Aika, and besides, he never considered Hisui in upwards thoughts.

It wasn't because she wasn't desirable. Though she was younger than him, she was still a desirable young woman who had a bright future; she was strong, confident and courageous. Princess were mostly beatified by jewelry and money, but with Hisui, he could strip her naked and run her in cold water; she would still be beautiful.

He had just set a boundary between him and her, not because of her age or status, but because something inside of him held him back. His last relationship had been with an older woman and it was very successful. He wasn't looking forward to starting a new one, at this stage.

''Something wrong?'' Hisui asked, looking at him with mild curiosity. His stare at her was rather inventive, and he wasn't even saying a word to respond to her question.

Naruto smiled, shaking his head. ''Sorry,'' he said. ''I just can't help myself; your beauty just never ceases to draw the attention of my eyes. On top of that, I've missed you lots, and I would strip you naked and examine every part of your body because I miss all parts of you.''

Hisui blinked, a bit flustered by how his bluntly put words made her feel; she hadn't forgotten about this side of him, but since he didn't seem to be willing to talk about anything, she didn't think he would say that. ''All parts of me?'' Hisui placed both her hands on her hips, and stared directly at Naruto. ''You haven't examined every part of my body...'' she said.

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