Chapter 23

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I didn't actually go through this chapter after writing it. So, it is likely that there will be more mistakes than usual. I just thought it was best to post it today as I don't know when I will get a chance to post again.

Chapter 23

Naruto hurried towards the Guild with an expressionless face. In his haste to see if the old man was okay, he'd forgotten that he could simply teleport to the guild. But he had just sped off, leaving behind the broken Laxus. He no longer cared about the piece of trash that would go so low as to harm the people that his grandfather his children. The spoiled brat could lay there broken and heal himself for all Naruto cared. Perhaps that was just the anger speaking. He wasn't that kind of a person to wish that for anyone.

"Is he really dying?" Naruto asked, just to be sure, he wasn't being made to worry for nothing.

He may have all the power, but if a man died of old age, there was nothing really he could do. He did exist between life and death, but someone who died of old age couldn't be helped much. Even if he does revive the person, their body would still be old and they would die again. That was the limit that was there. Anyone young was fine. But old people were simply out of time in the living world. For a god, he had to respect that.

"I don't really know, but he isn't okay. He suddenly just collapsed."

Naruto nodded. It must have been the stress. For someone who loved his children as the old man does, it was bound to be something like that. The man couldn't handle watching his children fight against each other. This was have been a heavy burden for him, especially when he couldn't do anything to stop the situation. It was sad really. To be helpless when you want to save what you treasure the most. Naruto was glad he had all the power. He couldn't go through such situation again. Kami would learn to rewind time if he was proved wrong.

Aren't you the hypocrite?

A thought sneaked into his mind. Yes, that was Ultear's objective, to rewind time. That pathetic woman sought to use Zeref in order to get him to grant her wish. A pity not even Zeref could do that. The black Wizard may not be human, but he had his own limits. Going back to the past was something that he thought could be done, but that would change the present. Naruto had to desire to mess with the flow of time.

The hypocrite was him who was thinking of rewinding time to correct something. When did he become like that? Was he saying that it was only wrong when someone was doing it but not him. Well there was a bi difference between him and Ultear. The woman was killing other people to get her dream to come true. She was hurting other people and using them to meet her end. That couldn't be accepted. Then again, neither would he actually rewind time.

He didn't have those keys.

The thought truly stung his pride as a god. A god should be able to do everything, the impossible and possible. While humans do what was possible, he ought to be doing what is impossible. Naruto shook his head, now was not the time.

A few seconds later, he was at the guild. The worried looks of the fairies surrounding their downed master. Naruto pushed through and looked at the old man with a sad look. He didn't speak to anyone as he kneeled down and his right hand glowed green. The hand moved around body for a full minute; his expression never changing as he inspected.

Once his hand stopped glowing, he sighed. The question came, "Is he okay?"

Naruto smiled. "He isn't dying if that is what you're asking," Naruto said calmly. "I don't know what is wrong though, but I know he isn't dying."

He wasn't used to this kind of situation. His jutsu was used to heal injuries stop blood flow and mend broken bones. He didn't know anything that had to do with the mind other no injuries. Perhaps this was something that Tsunade could do. For a god, this was something that he should be able to handle. He comforted himself in the thought that he was a fighting god. He destroyed things, even though he could create things.

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