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They called her "Queen Karma

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They called her "Queen Karma."

The best friend of Ronda Rousey, Kalani Hanifan watched on as the dirty blonde became a household name. The "Baddest Woman on the Planet" had her many accolades in the Olympics, in the UFC, and now in the WWE. Kalani had been there for all of them.

She was a background piece in Ronda's life until one day, she wasn't. No longer did her past haunt her the way it once had. Miss Hanifan finally grew to her fullest potential, earning that Bantamweight title from Ronda in a hard-fought victory that no one had seen coming.

It was her time. It had never been meant to be before then.

Before that time, Kalani lost everything in her life that was worth living for and wasn't sure she would ever make it to the other side. No Olympic game could change her mind when she lost everyone that meant the most to her.

The Olympics were Ronda's time.

Dana White had recruited both women after their involvement in the 2008 Olympics, yet only put his investments in Miss Rousey. He underestimated how Kalani could one day turn the company upside-down once she healed from the wounds so deep that no normal person could see; but the broken could.

Though many could read Kalani Hanifan like a book, the fighter never once confessed to her personal life as it was far scarier than one could ever imagine. Instead, she let her matches talk for her, as she instilled the pain she felt on others.

This is how the nickname "Queen Karma" came to be. Dana White sought to that after Ronda's streak was ended and her historic reign was taken over by her best friend.

And that is how the name Kalani Hanifan came to be associated with the best female athlete in the world, overtaking Ronda Rousey in the process. But, at what cost?

Ronda had never taken losses well. Dark thoughts swarmed her head and Kalani worried for a long time that she would lose the only person she had left—until Ronda found the WWE.

Around the same time, Kalani's long-term relationship ended after paparazzi exploited Conor McGregor cheating on her with another woman. Once again, the brunette found herself stuck, confused; lost. She lost the title she had worked so hard for and needed a fresh start, with who better than her best friend?

The WWE was not only fulfilling a childhood dream for herself, but her late-twin brother, Kaden. And to do it beside Ronda meant more to Kalani than anyone would ever know.

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