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Kalani was trapped in a nightmare

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Kalani was trapped in a nightmare.

She heard screams as a car swerved in the moonlit dark—her screams the night of the crash. She felt Kaden's arm holding her steady and blocking the airbag as much as he could. She watched as Kaden absorbed the hit on his side of the car before she was whiplashed forward.

Life was in slow motion: she saw tiny glass shards fly through the air past her eyes like dust.

In one of the pieces, time warped to bring upon a gloomy funeral. It had been Kaden's; Kalani knew the tombstone like no other. She had seen her father's scowl as a tear slipped down his cheek.

In those blue eyes, she was brought back to the nights he had drank too much and she was left broken on the floor. She would weep with muscles too sore to move and blood soaking the floorboards she would have to clean before morning.

"You will never escape me."

Kalani startled awake, feeling his breath on her cheek as if it was a whisper. Her body jerked upwards, feeling her father's presence nearby.

Kalani Hanifan had created a career out of beating people up. No one scared her, but him.

She felt two strong arms wrap around her, and she began to panic, trying to free herself of their grasp. Her ears didn't register the voice or what it had told her. She had missed the Scottish accent and the smell of his hair gel. Quickly, Kalani stood and swung for a punch, fortunately missing Drew by a few inches as he leaned back and caught her fist in his hands.

His groan at the impact awoke Kalani from her trance.

She tried to slow her quick breathing as her blinking quickened, realizing she had been in the training room and Drew had been there to support her. Slowly, the Scot loosened his grip on her fist and laid a hand gently on her cheek. "You need to lay down, Kalani. You took a bad shot to the head."

"Where's Hunter? I need to talk to him—I need Conor in here—" she mindlessly began to ramble, not being able to form complete sentences in her state of anxiousness, knowing her father was in the crowd.

Conor was the only one who could identify him right now—Ronda was an obvious no after the events that had been transpiring as of late. That was all Kalani could think about.

Drew looked on, confused, curling his eyebrows down. He had never seen Kalani like this—he could never fathom the strong girl in front of her could be so distraught.

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