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"Kalani, wake up," Drew lightly shook the girl awake

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"Kalani, wake up," Drew lightly shook the girl awake. Her blue eyes opened to a bright, white hotel room, making her wince and shut her eyes again. Her head ached as she recalled the events that had transpired just the night before: her argument with Ronda, her exploitation by Travis, the forgiveness from Connor, the sight of her father, the chair shot from Ronda, the protection given by Conor and Drew.

It had been one hell of a night.

Kalani groaned, placing a hand to her forehead. She had sported heavy concussions before in the UFC, but this pain was different.

"How are you feeling?" Drew spoke again as his accent soothed her ears. His blue eyes furrowed in concern for her well-being. The entire night he watched her sleep, ensuring she was still breathing because of how still she was. He held her in his arms so tight because he was afraid if he didn't she would fall apart in more ways than one.

He had wronged her just like everyone else. He let the tabloids get the best of him. He hated himself for it.

"Like I got hit in the back of the head with a steel chair yesterday," she countered, her voice still groggy. Drew chuckled at her efforts to be witty and sarcastic. He saw her smile and it seemed as if it made him smile, too.

Her radiating smile seemed to make him more comfortable as Drew seated himself next to her on her bed, making it dip slightly. He placed his larger hand on her side as a form of comfort, which she leaned into.

"You need to get ready. We have to go back to the arena before our flight," Drew informed the girl, making her frown.

"Back to the arena? Why?" Kalani immediately questioned, growing nervous. After seeing her father at the event, Kalani wasn't ready to return so soon.

Some would call it PTSD, but Kalani called it fighting for her life.

Drew sensed her nerves as he moved his hand gently down her side. "The doctors need to clear you for travel," he answered, softly. He wasn't sure if he wanted to include the part about Agent Williams, but decided that she could handle it. Kalani Hanifan was the strongest girl he knew. "And Agent Williams needs to ask you some questions."

Kalani froze at the thought that she would have to relive the sight of her father again. She would have to explain to Agent Williams that her father had abused her since the age of sixteen and she never reported it because she was terrified. She would have to explain that she had been stalked and any intimate moments she shared were now public knowledge.

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