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"Kalani, you made it!" Ronda exclaimed, opening the door of her house to reveal her best friend

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"Kalani, you made it!" Ronda exclaimed, opening the door of her house to reveal her best friend. She had invited Nattie over to 'Browsey Acres' as well, planning for a girls trip until Nattie convinced Ronda to allow Tyson to come along. Kalani had rolled her eyes at the comment, overly annoyed at the couples and their inability to stray from their spouses.

Maybe she was just jealous, but she would never admit that.

Because the girls hadn't wanted Kalani to feel left out, they decided to invite AJ. She was shocked when the Southern boy actually agreed as he normally spent all of his free time with his family.

Little did any of them know, AJ had been sleeping in the guest room of his own house.

The two former UFC fighters exchanged a hug as they hadn't seen one another in a few days. Due to Ronda's part-time schedule, Kalani hadn't been around her as much as she originally thought; and even though Kalani hated herself for the thought, she was almost glad it worked out that way.

Things with Ronda felt off, recently. And trying to face Kalani's best friend when she's knowingly going behind her back with Drew made her feel too uneasy.

Kalani can lie to a lot of people without an issue, but lying to her best friend sucked.

"Please, come in," Ronda motioned the brunette in. Kalani obliged, carrying her bags into the living room to reveal AJ next to a less-welcoming Travis.

Kalani felt nerves run down her spine as she saw his stare on her.

"Kalani," he spoke, emotionless.

The tall, bearded man caught the fighter off-guard. He was always a man of few words, especially towards Kalani. She raised an eyebrow in amusement before returning the introduction. "Travis."

Kalani made a point to not be scared of many, but Travis Browne intimidated her. She hated to assume his abuse allegations were true, but ever since she read about them she never fully felt comfortable around the man again. His actions hadn't helped her perception of him, either.

Her past came to her in more ways than one. He reminded her of her father.

"How's Conor?" he coldly asked with a knowing tone.

Kalani's breath hitched. She knew there was no use in lying, but also hadn't wanted an interrogation at the moment. Assuming he knew, she plainly asked, "I don't know, why don't you ask him yourself?"

Walking passed the bigger man, Kalani admired the small, rustic home. Though the two had been married for a while and living at that residence, it had been Kalani's first time seeing the place. Though Ronda was her best friend, there were still many things Kalani assumed Travis wanted to be private.

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