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Kalani and Drew found themselves at the nearest police station as they awaited Agent Williams' arrival

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Kalani and Drew found themselves at the nearest police station as they awaited Agent Williams' arrival.

Drew's body towered over the room as he paced. Normally, Drew McIntyre stayed composed and only reverted to a leg bounce—but now everything had changed.

He had almost lost Kalani, and he still hadn't apologized or told her how he actually felt.

"Pacing won't do either of us any good, Drew," Kalani spoke, trying to calm the Scot as she herself was growing more anxious at his every step.

The thoughts of Mark crawled at every nook of her brain and Kalani felt the fear running through her veins. He was dangerous; he had let her live.

She knew the next time she came face-to-face with Mark he would not do the same.

Drew ran a hand through his dark locks and took a deep breath. Anger flowed through him at the idea of Mark Farraway and the hurt he had caused Kalani. He was no stranger to bad parents, but Mark really took the cake.

He watched Kalani struggle to sleep at night as she locked the doors and windows. He was sometimes frightened to sleep in bed with her as he would wake to her clenching her pepper spray so tight he thought the can would explode.

Kalani Hanifan lived every moment in fear—he was the only one who seemed to give her any comfort and all of that was gone. Drew could not let himself get distracted, anymore.

When this was all over, Drew vowed to tell Kalani how he really felt.

"He was right in front of me," Drew's accent raised, "and I didn't notice."

His pacing subsided as his foot bounced and hands moved to his hips. Those icy blue eyes that used to love staring into Kalani's were focused on the floor. She sighed. "I didn't notice, Drew, and I've known him for all of my thirty years."

"That doesn't matter," he countered, quickly snapping. "I should have known. He could've killed you. It's my job to protect you!"

Kalani knew that Drew was trying to show his care for her, but in the moment of emotions, she grew angry. She was tired, stressed, and frustrated, and Drew's wording seemed to set her off.

"I can protect myself, Drew!" Kalani snapped, standing up in front of him. Her head snapped around, hoping that she didn't attract too much attention from the officers surrounding them. Seeing that most of them avoided her, the former fighter quieted her voice. "This isn't on you. You should be preparing for 'Mania."

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