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Wrestlemania 35 was finally here

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Wrestlemania 35 was finally here.

It had been everything I had imagined it to be; the huge stadium, the loud crowd, the insanely busy backstage area. It was everything I wanted and more.

There was no doubt that I was tired with the copious media events and traveling over the past four days, but as my music began blaring through the large, New Jersey arena, the only thing I could focus on was winning the title like I was supposed to.

The crowd cheered before they could even see my figure walking on-stage, so I gave one last quick kiss to Drew before I went to make my own Wrestlemania entrance and dedicate it all to my brother. However, a hand fell onto my arm, and as I went to slap it away in self-defense like I had done so many times before, I turned to see Ronda. I stopped, sharing a look I had never shared with her before.

Her eyes were stern, and the scowl on her face was apparent, but behind that I saw what I thought was nerves. Ronda never got nervous, yet her makeup was already starting to break apart as sweat collected on her face.

Sighing, Ronda dabbed a hand on her beading forehead and finally spoke her mind. "I'm sorry for abandoning you without hearing you out. I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance. I jumped to a conclusion and I didn't even think about your perspective.

"This is our moment, something we have talked about for months now, Kalani. This is our time to have the most memorable 'Mania match ever, not because we're women but because we're damn good wrestlers. Please, accept my apology and let's do this," Ronda spoke, pouring her heart out to me as I held back my tears.

As much as I wanted to accept her apology and give her a second chance, I knew this wasn't a good time to do it. I was about to go out on a stage in front of thousands of screaming fans, only a week after I was almost shot by my stepfather. I needed time, and I needed my moment.

I wasn't sure I could ever forgive her.

Ronda would be hurt by my answer, I knew that. And Ronda Rousey doesn't like being rejected. However, for once, I needed to think about me.

Kalani Hanifan would no longer please everyone else around her. She would do what was best for her.

Taking one step closer to her muscular figure I disregarded her apology and whispered for only her to hear, "good luck out there."

I had spoken the same words before I beat her for the UFC title. It would have even more of an effect on her than she realized, because the carefree tone behind it showed her that I no longer feared her; I no longer needed her approval.

I had changed. I wasn't the caring friend I once was.

Many will say that my popularity changed me, or my blackmailer changed me, but they are sorely mistaken. I almost had my life taken from me.

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