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A sold out arena screamed at the sound of Breaking Benjamin, knowing who the music belonged to

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A sold out arena screamed at the sound of Breaking Benjamin, knowing who the music belonged to. In only a few moments, a former Olympian and UFC Champion would emerge from the dark curtain and enter an entertainment world completely different and unknown.

Kalani's body felt like it was on fire, crawling with nerves of anticipation and fear. Her trainer had just finished preparing her in the backstage gorilla, hugging her tanned skin consumed with goosebumps.

Her anxiety overwhelmed her with negative thoughts that attempted to stop her from any more degrees of success. Her memories flashed back to her father and all of the heinous words he spoke towards her delicate psyche.

Kalani Hanifan didn't deserve the praise, the glory, the freedom.

Her black fingernails lifted her necklace over her head, a white-gold 'K' representing all of the greatness her late-twin brother had been. In a John Cena-inspired move, she kissed the necklace before laying it down on the ramp before her. The lean body praised the necklace like a religion before standing to face the Royal Rumble ring once again at the twenty-eighth spot.

Remembering Kaden always brought her back from the edge.

His power transformed her thoughts into energy as she sprinted to the ropes in an all-out assault on the women's division. There was no doubt that she could beat them all, but to do it as gracefully as she had was unthinkable.

Not only was Kalani Hanifan entertaining, she was preforming safely and effectively under the crowds influence and her months of training.

She even took a beating from Nia Jax after the Irresistible Force's elimination.

Kalani's lean body took chair shots after chair shots, with welts forming only moments after the initial collision. Her winces were real, as now kendo sticks and tables came into the mix.

In the matter of minutes, the bruised and bloodied body of Kalani Hanifan gave her admiration in the wrestling industry. It had been her intention to leave nothing back in order to do so—in order to be recognized.

The pain made her feel alive.

Via a super kick, Charlotte Flair was eliminated, shocking the crowd full of doubters of Vince McMahon's decisions. They erupted in gasps and cheers and fueled Kalani's reaction of pure euphoria and bliss.

There were no tears, for Kalani was no longer allowing herself to be a sob story. She had been through too much for that.

Her first words away from the crowds and safe in the confines of a backstage area filled with workers, crew members, and security guards  were "where's my necklace?"

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