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"What do I have to do for you to forgive me?" Conor pleaded, his voice shaky with emotion

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"What do I have to do for you to forgive me?" Conor pleaded, his voice shaky with emotion.

The two were located in Kalani's hotel room. Unbeknownst to her, Conor hadn't bothered booking a hotel room for himself. He was determined to spend the night with her; he was determined to get his love back.

Her blue eyes were conflicted, feeling the ache in her chest that wanted Conor, but hearing the voice in her head instructing her to get out while she can.

He was Conor McGregor, what wasn't there to love about him?

Her former lover held money, fame, power; and he held every quality Kalani searched for in a man. He knew all of her stories—her secrets. Kalani wasn't sure she could ever be this open with another man again.

All she could think about was how they grew up in the business together. He had supported her in every way, when she gave him no hope of a life together. The two were best friends and lovers, how could she just give that up?

But, the man she thought was the love of her life cheated on her. Though she couldn't give up the life they built together, she also couldn't give that up, either.

"If there was a way you could take back cheating on me, Conor, trust me I would take it in a heartbeat," Kalani whispered, her heart hurting. Then, she shook her head. "But you made your choice, and I can't forgive that."

The former fighter was trying to alienate herself from her ex-boyfriend, it was why she hadn't sat on the bed with him and instead in an office chair. Her eyes couldn't meet his in the mood-lit room because she knew that once they did, she would fall to his every command.

Conor noticed her actions and knew what they meant. He knew that Kalani would dissociate herself from him to protect herself, as she's had to do all of her life.

At one time, Conor was the only one who protected her from her demons. Now, he's become one of them.

Conor rubbed his face with his hand, taking a deep breath to calm himself. "And every day, I regret it, Kalani," he spoke, his voice shaking as he's repeated this point too many times. "It was my weakest moment," he continued, standing to move towards her. "My biggest regret," his accent continued as his fingers grazed her arm. His voice quieted as he continued his movements, knowing how much she melted at his touch. "I should've told you as soon as it happened instead of letting you hear from the media. I should've told you that I loved you."

"Yeah, Conor, you loved me," Kalani piped up, tears coming to her eyes. She stood, surprising the Irishman as she rejected his advances. Kalani knew his ways after their three-year relationship, and she wouldn't fall victim to his methods once again. "You loved me, and that's why you decided to put your hands on another woman. That woman, even for a few minutes, was worth more than me."

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