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Kalani had been the first one in the meeting room, even before Hunter

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Kalani had been the first one in the meeting room, even before Hunter. The brunette figured that because she had caused this entire mess, that it would be best if she could ensure that no other mistakes could be made for the time being.

When Hunter entered, Kalani remained quiet, not wanting to upset him. He seemed to like the silence, as he sat and immediately began answering emails on his phone. Mindlessly, she twirled her necklace in her hand until she saw the text on her phone that made her stomach flip.

"Still haven't gotten fired yet, after everything? That's a shame. I must have to take matters into my own hands."

It had been an unknown number, so Kalani had no way of discovering who the mystery sender had been. She debated whether or not to answer it, not knowing whether it was a prank or a threat.

These days, she'd been receiving so many messages like that that she was beginning to not see a difference.

AJ had been next. The Southern boy cleared his throat as he decided to sit next to Kalani, though there were many other available seats. Hunter sighed at the act, making Kalani shake her head.

AJ hadn't realized what he had done. He assumed that maybe it was his uncomfortableness that made him want to gravitate towards the girl. Kalani seemed to help him calm down, as much as he hated to admit it.

The Scotsman was third. His usual low bun was sported with another tight t-shirt, making Kalani peel her eyes away. He greeted Hunter, happily, but avoided Kalani at all costs, sitting on the opposite side of the table and glaring at the two wrestlers in front of him.

Drew was unsure of what to think on the situation. He could have cared less about his picture with Kalani getting out to the media, in fact he was worried about how Kalani's friends would react to her when seeing it. However, seeing that AJ also had his own picture with the girl woke something inside of the psychopath. Had he not read Kalani right, after all?

He sighed, avoiding eye contact with Kalani, but he coincidentally mirrored her movements as he began fidgeting with his hands. His attention turned towards the door as the last four came in right on time: Ronda, Nattie, Tyson, and Travis.

Immediately, Travis' eyes were on Kalani. She grew anxious at his presence, but couldn't let herself show it now, after everything. The girl took a deep breath, rolling her eyes when Ronda complained, "let's get this over with, I have shit to do."

Hunter sighed, but stood and awaited the groups full attention. He had been waiting on the two blondes in the room, as Ronda and Nattie could be seen talking amongst themselves. The COO hadn't appreciated the wrestlers placing themselves above the situation as he was wasting his valuable time to solve it.

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