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My bloodied hands continued punching the bag placed in front of me

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My bloodied hands continued punching the bag placed in front of me. My uneven breaths filled my garage gym of my home as I continued beating on the bag, trying to rid my mind of thoughts refusing to leave.

One, two, three. One, two, three.

I counted the sequenced punches as I sorted through a variety of moves, the sweat on my forehead and messy hair not bothering me at all. All I could focus on was him.

I threw in an elbow occasionally, even pulling my knee up to hit the bag every once in a while.

"I wanted you to feel the way I felt when you caused my son and my wife to die!"

My arms were burning as I punched and punched, my heart racing as I couldn't bring myself to cool down. Tears began racing to my eyes and I couldn't determine if it was from the pain in my heart or in my hands.

Mark's words were forever engrained in my memory, and no matter how many times I told myself they weren't true, I couldn't bring myself to believe it fully. It took away any chances for me to sleep.

That's why I found myself working out at two-thirty in the morning.

My arms burned as I remembered the feeling of the metal against my head, the moments of my voice flirting with death. My body began crumbling as I was losing strength, my punches slowing as I screamed—at least, that's what I hoped the sound I heard was.

To my left, I heard the door open, before a voice called my name.

"Kalani! Kalani!"

I didn't listen as I continued punching with my aching hands until strong arms grabbed mine to stop me. Images came flashing back into my head from the times Mark had grabbed me, causing my body to flail around. I cried out, trying to get free, though none of my training came back into my head.

"Kalani, calm down! It's just me!"

His arms turned me around to face his chest as he embraced me, holding my head to try and calm my body. It wasn't until I could smell his shampoo that I finally came to, realizing that Drew was coming to help me.

I felt myself immediately relax into his body, my breathing calming as he ran his hands through my hair.

"That's it, Kalani. Just breath," his Scottish accent soothed my ears.

I began sobbing, the overwhelming sadness I felt in my heart overflowing. My hands clutched his shoulders as I squeezed, taking time to let it all out. It seemed like an eternity before I felt okay enough to stop.

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