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Sometimes, Kalani will sit and ponder over the people the movies

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Sometimes, Kalani will sit and ponder over the people the movies.

The actors are always perfect; they hold no flaw in their appearance. They go through hell and still look pretty for the camera, and at the end of the movie they still get the happy ending.

If Kalani Hanifan we're a movie, however, there would be no happy ending. There wouldn't even be a climax. All of her life, people around her have died and led her to more and more sorrow.

Kalani Hanifan was at a roadblock. Now that the whole world had turned on her, twice, she had no support system left. And she had been fighting on her own for too long.

Kaden grew up telling Kalani that she would get that happy ending. Though they were the same age, Kaden had been wise beyond his years and he always knew the right things to say.

Now, however, Kalani was sitting alone at a bar, as she read all of the threats on her phone. Some of these people had been like her family—the closest thing she had left to one, anyways. Kaden was her family, and he's gone.

Her hands twirled the 'K' necklace in her hand.

"Twelve years, I've given you everything and you go behind my back? You've ruined AJ's life!" Ronda had said back at the arena. "Maybe I was wrong about you, after all—you back-stabbing bitch!"

After her curse, Ronda had sent her fist into her former best friend's jaw. Kalani swallowed what tasted like blood as she remained still at that moment, not wanting to make anything worse than she already had. She knew, however, that she would wear a bruise in a few hours.

"How could you kiss a married man, Kalani?" Hunter had asked, frustrated, after he made Ronda leave the hallway. "You've been in the spotlight a long time, you know how these things can get! I thought you were better than that."

Kalani hadn't had a father in a long time, but Hunter seemed like one in that moment. Hearing his disappointed tone made her want to break, but she couldn't.

Kalani Hanifan couldn't sell AJ out, either. AJ Styles had trained her to wrestle in this company; he'd given her her dream. She could never ruin his marriage after that.

Kalani Hanifan was used to the heat.

"I'm sorry, Hunter," she apologized. She wouldn't make any excuses. "It was a one-time thing and it was wrong, and I would do anything to take it back."

A tear escaped her eye in frustration: the fact she had to lie, the fact that she was the way that she was. She was tired of lying.

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