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The WWE medical staff encouraged Kalani to continue icing her black eye before RAW that night

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The WWE medical staff encouraged Kalani to continue icing her black eye before RAW that night. Though they ruled out any fractures or concussions, the doctors worried about her new addition of green and yellow colors mixing with the normal purple. She tried to convince the officials that it was healing, as it had been changing colors the past week since the Royal Rumble, but they still fret at the idea that their newest celebrity addition could be injured under their watch.

Kalani only sighed before grabbing the ice pack and placing it on the tender spot. It wasn't her first black eye and certainly wouldn't be her last.

Her first black eye came from her father. After Kaden had passed, Kalani's dad began to drink in excess to cope. During the grieving process, he became stuck on anger. He blamed Kalani for Kaden's death because she was the reason he had picked her up that night. Though Kalani has yet to move on, her father was in an even worse position.

It had been ironic that Kalani let her father beat her when she was going to the Olympics for judo. In fact, Kalani was abused during her time at the Olympics and afterwards, when Ronda had decided to train for a second time. Kalani didn't have such liberties because the only choice she had was to get out of her father's house before he killed her.

Kalani Hanifan was mentally wrecked after escaping her drunk father. Any time someone as much as grazed her arm, her body would flinch as she could recall the flashbacks from her late teen years. For a long time, she lived out of her car and worked at a grocery store just to stay alive.

Ronda had continued on to win a bronze medal at her second Olympics. Kalani was proud of her friend, though Ronda couldn't stand the idea that she hadn't gotten the gold. The Rowdy one had been so consumed in her training that she hadn't known about Kalani's living situation or mental health as she had to cope with her twin brother dying. After the Olympics, however, Ronda was left with few options for the rest of her life.

That had been when Ronda got the idea of MMA fighting.

The two had nothing to lose, but Kalani questioned how good she could be at fighting when she never defended herself when her father hit her. However, her past became her greatest asset because she could endure more pain than the other women.

The UFC was Kalani's saving grace as she overcame her fear of her father. No longer would she allow anyone to treat her the way he had.

Kalani owed Ronda for giving her the idea to go to the UFC because it transformed her life for the better. She had gotten sponsorship deals, movie opportunities, and met the love of her life. Ronda never found out from her best friend that Kalani was on the verge of death due to her father's rage, but she helped her all the same.

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