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"I'm so sick of hearing about Kalani Hanifan!" Ronda yelled, her face becoming more and more red as she cut a promo out in the ring

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"I'm so sick of hearing about Kalani Hanifan!" Ronda yelled, her face becoming more and more red as she cut a promo out in the ring.

Kalani had been backstage, ready to interrupt the segment, chuckling at her best friend.

"You're all fickle!" she continued, her heel turn evident. "First, you cheered me on last week when I beat the hell out of the riot squad, but you also cheered when Charlotte Flair tried to kill me with a steel chair! What is it, exactly, that you all want?"

Kalani admired the dirty blonde's ability to cut promos. Growing up, Ronda had always been her voice. Kalani had always struggled with confidence in using her voice, and Kaden had always been there to help her find it.

She wondered what he would think of her now.

Kaden was the only person in this world who had believed in Kalani over Ronda. Even Kalani herself hadn't believed in her ability to beat Ronda in anything. When she beat Ronda for the UFC title, Kalani dedicated that win to her brother who always supported her. On Twitter, however, many people complained that her win had only been a fluke.

Throughout Kalani's journey in the UFC, she rose to the ranks with an undefeated record. It was ironic how her path was so similar to Ronda's. The only difference, however, was that Kalani handed her belt to Dana and retired before she had even lost it.

Kalani Hanifan: Queen Karma, undefeated in the UFC. When would that ever be enough for people? When would they stop criticizing her?

Luckily, Kalani's scandal was gaining more eyes into her and her best friend's television feud. So much so, that the suits and ties were debating placing their match at the main event of Wrestlemania. This would mean that the two would make history; that's all they were ever built for.

That's why Kalani wasn't upset when Ronda brought the scandal into her promo.

"Because if you all are waiting for a new piece of eye candy, I don't think Kalani is the one to turn to," she continued. "She's a liar. For as long as she had been my best friend, she never told me the truth about her. Not only has she lied to me, but she's lied to all of you, too."

Ronda motioned to the crowd as they fell silent. Kalani almost thought she heard some rumblings of boo's throughout which confused her. With the negative reception she received online, she was crawling with nerves at the idea that the crowd would turn on her and this storyline would be ruined.

The brunette had heard her queue when the crowd erupted in noise, unable to differentiate between boo's and cheers. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard the words, "the only thing Kalani has done her entire career is follow in my footsteps."

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