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Kalani laid limp on the hotel bed after watching herself become the number one trend on Twitter

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Kalani laid limp on the hotel bed after watching herself become the number one trend on Twitter.

Sure, for most, trending on Twitter would be a blessing. However, Kalani Hanifan wasn't most people—and Kaden's story wasn't for them to know.

It hadn't been bad enough that Kaden was leaked; but her abuse history was, too.

Her blue orbs read the title "Kalani Hanifan: A Career Built on Lies?". The former UFC champion had never lied to her audience. She was an expert at withholding information and changing the subject, because who the hell likes to lie? Kalani Hanifan would rather avoid her past altogether than to recreate one; it wouldn't make hers go away.

However, that choice was taken away from her.

Her mind wandered as her hand ran through her hair, not knowing how anyone could have gathered the information written in the article. Hanifan wasn't her true last name, and no one would have access to her legal documents. Ronda had no knowledge of her history of abuse; so even though the article got it wrong when it said Kalani and her twin brother were abused in their youth she knew it couldn't have been anyone she was close to.

Something had been weird recently regarding Kalani's life. First, a rumor of her leaving the arena in a mysterious car, and now her private life leaked on the internet and the documents regarding Kaden's accident.

The internet seemed to be split as Kalani read through the comments, who was on-and-off the phone with her lawyer to investigate the situation. Some of those close to her were supportive, but her coworkers among the women's locker room didn't seem as friendly.

How people could hate someone for hiding a secret like that, Kalani would never understand.

Conor had yet to comment on the subject. Kalani wondered if he would do what he did best and add fuel to the fire. She knew who he was on the inside, however—Conor never exploited Kalani publicly.

Ronda had commented on the situation and remained vague. She had been the first to come to her best friend's side throughout the situation. Kalani had missed Ronda treating her like that.

Nattie had called Kalani as well, her bubbly self only making Kalani want to strangle the girl even more. The brunette knew that the blonde had only meant well, so she blamed her aggressiveness on her nerves.

AJ remained silent, though, and Kalani preferred it that way at the moment.

As Kalani sulked, reading the words "there's nothing we can do" coming from her lawyer, a knock came from her hotel room door. Kalani sighed, closing her eyes and hoping it was all a dream. Her blue eyes widened when she heard Drew's Scottish accent on the other side.

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