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Her morning thoughts were full of regret and confusion

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Her morning thoughts were full of regret and confusion.

Kalani recollected her night with Conor after feeling his arms wrapped around her torso. Ever since she left him, she's been dreaming of this moment. However, now that Kalani has him, she doesn't want him.

Perhaps it was because all she could see when she looked at Conor was the photo in the media, when he cheated on her. Or, the scarier thought: what if her feelings for Drew really were affecting her?

Oh, how she wished Kaden were here for her.

In high school, Kalani's twin brother would always be there to listen to her. At that time, it had only been teenage bullshit, but it hadn't mattered to Kaden.

Kaden was the guy who took up boxing after learning that his twin sister was bullied, even with his busy wrestling schedule. He had a division one wrestling scholarship and still put his sister first before everything; they had a bond that cannot be formed and cannot break.

He was always there for her. In their time together, Kalani can't recall one moment where her blood had betrayed her.

That was, until Kaden died. Then, it had seemed that all blood died with it.

Remembering Kaden brought tears to Kalani's eyes, feeling the bed rustle with movements by Conor. Knowing her former lover was a heavy sleeper, she got up, gathered the things from her room, and debated where to go. All she knew was that she couldn't be beside Conor anymore.

At first, Kalani had thought of Ronda. The two were the best of friends, however, after hearing what the Scot said last night her mind faltered. She could call Nattie, however Kalani's been distant with the girl since she took the video of her at the club. Perhaps, she couldn't be blackmailed if she had nothing to anger the girl with.

Her only other friend in this business was AJ, but with his recent actions Kalani knew it wouldn't be smart to be in the same hotel room as him. On the same note, AJ was beginning to make her more uncomfortable, especially after their phone call the night prior which was still fresh in Kalani's mind. How would the paparazzi follow her backstage?

Her mind moved back towards the bigger problems at hand: how could she escape Conor and escape the damage she has dealt?

Her last person she could call was indeed the Scotsman. However, stepping outside her hotel door proved to be enough. Drew McIntyre had been walking down the hallway towards her door, anyways, with two coffees in hand.

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