a failed plan

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Third person POV

Bowser was at his castle with kamek.

Bowser: you know what. I don't need peach.

Kamek: oh well it's nice to hear you are over-

Bowser: after how she treated me and Mario on the moon I realized. It's not worth it. I don't know what I used to see in her but now I don't see it anymore. She won't make a good mother. And she doesn't deserve Mario.

Kamek: I see.

Kamek saw the super crown in his hand.

Kamek: my lord you are not thinking that it a really bad idea.

Bowser: shut it kamek I will make a better mother for than her. And I will be a better girlfriend for Mario than her!

He said looking down at the crown.

A 3 Month Time skip

At Mario's house. He was currently eating pizza has Luigi was sleeping on the couch. He heard a knock on the door Mario went and saw a towing figure over him. Like she was 7 and half while Mario was 5'1. And that she looked a little like Peach.

 And that she looked a little like Peach

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(Not mine)

Bowsette: hello Mario. I came for an offer you can't refuse.

Mario: do I know you?

Bowsette: yes in my old form just guess who I am.

Mario looked at the horns the red hair and the tail that looked exactly like Bowser's.

Mario: Bowser is that you.

Bowsette: correct but they call me bowsette now. Sorry I didn't come earlier it took me awhile to get used to this new body, get to knowing how to be a mother for my 8 children, and establishing to my whole kingdom that they have a queen instead of a king. Oh how can I forget making sure my new body meet the fitness stranded I wanted.

She said has she flexed her muscles.

Mario: so that's what you been up to for the past months. I was worried about you having a secret plan to take over the mushroom kingdom.

Bowsette: maybe

Mario: what

Bowsette: but that's not what we should be focusing on. We should be focusing on us.

Mario: us?

Bowsette: Yes! I want you to dump that peach. She doesn't deserve someone as nice as you.

Mario: sorry but I am not breaking up with my girlfriend.

Bowsette: even after what she did to you on the moon. Rejecting you.

Mario: I just did it to early and after she just got out of a force marriage plus me fighting with you. Honestly it was just a bad idea at the time. Nothing more and nothing less.

Bowsette: but look at me. Compare me to her. I am bigger in everything that matters.

She said he said seductively while while grabbing his boobs.

Mario: (blushed) that may be so. But it takes more than looks to win me over. As far as I can tell you are not as nice, not as gentle, not as good spirited. You are clearly more brash, you clearly have evil intentions, you are a bully, and I am not that into redheads.

Bowsette: that's ironic.

Mario: I am sorry Queen bowsette but I am not going to date you. Good day.

Mario slammed the door as bowsette punched through it and broke the door down which woke Luigi.

Luigi: woah Mario who's that! Why is she in our house!

Mario: Bowser!

Luigi: I thought he gave up after the 3 months of not attacking.

Mario: well he is back. And girlyer than ever.

Luigi: so what's going on.


luigi:..... Ok this is a weird situation I woke up to.

Bowsette shot fire and a fight ensued. Mario and luigi working together was easily beating her.

Mario: as long as I have my brother. You well never win.

Bowsette: your brother huh. Let's fix that.

She grabbed Luigi and ran for it.


Bowsette: but you are closely tied to Mario that's good enough for me. Because I have a new evil plan!

She jumped in the clone car and started to fly off. Luigi was fighting for his freedom.

Bowsette: man you fight way more than peach.

Bowsette tied him up.

Bowsette: but you still are not strong enough to escape. You well help me in my plan to get Mario. He will be mine. Just you wait.

Luigi: mama Mia.

Mario: Luiiiiggggiiii!

Mario yelled in fear for his brother. He looked over to Peach's castle.

Mario: I got to get help!

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