to nice to escape

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Luigi's POV

I was in the clown car. And I had a blush on my face as I tried not to look at her butt but by how she is swinging her tail I had to keep turning my face twords her back side to not get hit. Which just made me blush more.

Bowsette: What are you blushing at. I never had a prisoner blush before.

Luigi: nothing absolutely nothing.

She gave me a puzzled look before turning around. Man that was a close on don't want to be hurt or for her to assume that I am a pervert.

Bowsette POV

I finally got back to my castle and put Mario's brother into. His cage a went to talk with kamek. Who was just out side the door.

Bowsette: kamek so a kidnapped Mario's younger brother. Ummm greenie.

Kamek: his name is Luigi. You might have to remember that if you kidnap someone.

Bowsette: yeah yeah. I will just jaunt that down.

I wrote his name down real quick.

Kamek: and why did you kidnap Luigi.

Bowsette: my plan to get Mario did work and he said he was better in battle with his brother. So with out him he has a lower chance of beating me. And I maybe could exchange him for Mario's hand.

Kamek: well okay than. But maybe you should make sure he doesn't escape.

Bowsette: please cowards can't escape look at peach.

Kamek: but he did.

Bowsette: WHAT!

I looked behind me to see that the ropes where on the floor and saw that the cage was bent a little p meaning he squeezed out.

Bowsette: why didn't you stop him.

Kamek: I just noticed that there was nobody there.

Bowsette: man why can't he just cooperate and except that he has been captured like Peach.

Luigi's POV

After escaping my cage. I was walking around the castle looking for the exit and was making sure I didn't get seen by any guards. But I suddenly got tackled by someone but I pushed them off easily and saw Bowser Jr.

Bowser Jr: Hey what's the big idea.

Luigi: me not getting captured.

Bowser Jr: Well I will capture you and make mama proud. So allow me to capture you.

Luigi: no!

Bowser Jr: Please I don't want to fail mama.

I saw him cry a bit.

Luigi: fine tie me up.

He did but it wasn't very good m I could probably get out of it by just moving around. I expected him to take me to the throne room because that was where my cage was but instead I was in his room. This made me realize that he is not that good at kidnapping people. Which makes me wonder how Peach didn't easily escape the two times Bowser Jr kidnapped her. Maybe she was just being nice like how I am doing right now. I sat down on the floor.

Bowser Jr: now we just got to wait for mama to come.

We waited for 30 minutes.

Bowser Jr: I am bored. Can I shoot you with fire.

Luigi: what! No!

He did it any way but I got out of my ropes and doged it. It hit a Lego star wars set that was a complete death star. And judging by the pieces he even build the inside and outside plus the Lazer. As his Legos burned to a crisp he started crying.

Bowser Jr: that took me forever to build that and now it's gone.

Luigi: yeah we can build another on.

Bowser Jr: where are we going to get another one from.

Luigi: easy.

I reached into overalls and pulled a Lego death star set out.

Bowser Jr: how did you fit that in there.

Luigi: after Mario and I have deep pockets. That is how we can carry around muitple keys our body size. And I hate seeing a kid sad so let's build this.

While building this Jr told me how he build his first one and how he got it after he kidnapped Peach for the first time as Shadow Mario. His dad gave it to him for an award a making him proud. I got to say Bowser well now bowsette may be evil but she is no monster. I guess she does have a nice side. But I most likely won't see it. After all I am her enemy. We finally made it half way when suddenly a very angry Bowsette busted in so mad fire was coming out if her mouth even time she talked.

Bowsette: You dare escape. Who do you think you are.

Luigi: I am pretty sure I am Luigi.

Bowsette: don't show me that sass.

I jumped back in fear. Bowser Jr came. And got on my back with ropes. He tried to whisper something in my ear but he whispered so loud he might as well said it out loud straight

Bowser Jr: can you tie yourself up for I can make her proud but make it look like I tied you up.

I did what he said. But of course as the 5 year old as he is. He didn't make it convincing until the end where he gave me to her with a big smile on his face. And I also saw Bowsette smile and say good job. Did she actually fall for it? I was brong back to my cage.

Bowsette: why did you help my son.

Luigi: because he wanted to make you proud.

Bowsette: he already did and is still making me proud. But why did you help build a new death star.

Luigi: well he destroyed the last one by accident. And I didn't want to see him sad so I got the one I had one me and gave it to him while helping him build it. And I hate to see him really sad and cry.

Bowsette: that is surprisingly nice for someone I kidnapped. And is my enemy. What are you trying to gain.

Luigi: nothing I just like to he nice. Even to enemies. Out side of the battle field than being nice is simply not worth it because they can take advantage of it during the fight.

Bowsette gave me a weirdly happy smile. As she walked away laughing to herself. Did I make a fool out of myself?

Bowsette POV

I walked to kamek laughing evilly.

Kamek: I know the laugh what is the new plan.

Bowsette: I will have Luigi be the dad to my kids.

Kamek: so we are going to have another force marriage.

Bowsette: no I learned from the last time I tried that. And plus I need to give him time to be around the other 7 to see if they will like him to be there father and I going to make him love me through the way I know how. My awesome beautiful body. And how could I forget my charm.

Kamek:  other 7?

Bowsette: yes the koopailngs. After seeing how nice he was to Bowser Jr. I realized he that he would be a good father. But maybe I should give that more time too. To make sure he likes him to and to see if Luigi will be nice to him for a long time.

Kamek: well okay my queen the best of luck to getting Luigi to like you.

Bowsette: thanks kamek. Now let the fun begin.

I saw luigi walk past the door.

Bowsette: HEY!

Luigi: oh no.

I saw him run away maybe I should but him somewhere where it is harder to escape.


I cased after him and made sure he was put in a smaller cell with guards watching him. But tomorrow I will start my plan to get him to like me.

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