Neko america x neko russia -2

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America POV

I blinked sleep out of my eyes as I stretched. I walked slowly out of the ally. I lazily laid down in the sun closing my eyes for a little before i had to go hunt. I heard a small amount of movement behind me. I tried to act like I didn't notice the noise. The thing get a little bit closer. It's most likely a cat since it only making slightest bit of noise. But it also wasn't use to stalking since I could hear them.

" what is it you want " I finally asked opening one eye to glare at the cat. Yep I knew it iggy was standing behind me. He looked slightly surprised that I noticed him. He huffed and walked towards me and sat down.

" nothing fur ball!" He huffed and glares around the area we sat in. And leaned closer " be careful today. They are around today." He then got up and quickly walked away to inform the next cat. I glanced nervously at were he left. Stupid forest cats all ways taking are prey. I stood I guess I have to tell mother. I walked swiftly towards their ally.

" HEY! YOU" a cat yelled over at me I stop and glanced over at the Group of cats that appeared from around a corner. I stood my ground I couldn't let them any closer to the elders. The leader of the group was a big Tom. He had grey fur with scars all over his back and face. All the cats had scars all over. I glanced over their shoulder and noticed that cat from yesterday watching from around the corner. I didn't look at him and focused on these cats they smelt of the forest.

" this is our territory what is a loner like you doing here!" The grey Tom demand. I rolled my eyes.

" No it's not " I replied " it's ours you can't claim something that's in the middle of other territory's " I replied with a smile. He hissed at me and try's to tackle me to the ground. I dropped and rolled from under his outstretched claws and jumped back up and clawed his side. I hissed in angry. A purely white she-cat leaped at me only to get the air knockout of her. The cat form yesterday stood over her. He gave me a soft smile before diving at the grey cat. After a few minutes of fighting I hear a female cat yell

" enough hero come here and your friend too!!"
I turned around to see my mother. I frown and rushed too her side the cat were fighting hissed at her. I glanced over and noticed that the cat from yesterday was right on my tail.

" I'm sorry mother " I said sadly to her " but they started it!" I glared at them before sitting and swept my tail over my paws. He sat down next to me. His collar dangle from his neck. I glared madly at the forest cats. I glanced back  At my mother she was glaring at my shoulders I nervously tried to turn my head but I hissed in pain. My mom swatted my face.

" stop moving your head you will make the injury worst." She gave them a deadly look. Before yelling. " your on the elders territory young one. We have lived her longer then your clan has been in the forest. The cats that live here don't want to fight others." She walked closer and hissed her back arched and her fur stood up. " but we are willing to fight for are home and way of life! Now leave and stay in the forest and we will stay in the ally's and streets." The forest cats hissed back and turning away and stalked out of view.  She huffed and turned her full attention to me and the other cat. She smiled " now darling what's your name?"

" you call me sunflower " he said shyly....

{part 3 coming soon

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