American girl~

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Amelia was walking around a city in her country. She had stayed hidden from the others along with her sisters they represented south Mexico and Canada their brother north Mexico did all their work for them he was very protective over his sisters. Amelia rolls her eyes and runs home and basically almost breaks down the door and looked at her siblings and cousins who had all jumped. She smiled and swings the end of her scarf in a circle. It was very big and fluffy it also looked like her flag.

" my dearest brother how was the meeting?"  Both Mexico sigh. Make Amelia nervous as she plopped down next to them. Diego sits up clasping his hands together.

" they are coming to visit " this makes Amelia jump up

" okay~ time to get my guns~" she then bolted up stairs leaving a star struck Diego and Maria. Canada just sighs but dose nothing.

" what am I going to do with you Amelia " Maddie sighs and watched her sister run down the stairs with a shotgun she was smiling crazily and waits fiddling with the gun.

" if we must reveal are selfs we might as well do it with " she pause and a big smiled formed even more if possible as she lifted the gun " a bang!" Before any of them could react their door bell was pushed. America opens the door and shoved the gun in the countries a few making startled sounds.

The others countries point of view still really no ones :)!

They became face to face with a shotgun it was held by a pretty female with short blonde hair sky blue eyes and a beautiful smile. She opened her mouth to say something but a very recognizable person. Mexico appears but...... he's now a she? She had long brown hair that stopped at her waist. She was wearing a white shirt with a long skirt.

" sister calm down before you shot someone important " the blonde laughs

" dearest youngest sister Maria I suggest you get behind me " she then turns a threatening look at them.

" yes Maria let me handle this" Mexico said pushing past the two sisters with a role of his eyes. " welcome to the north and south and Central America household. " he said tiredly. He pointed at the girl that looked like him. " that's south Mexico" then at the blonde " that's the United States of America or I guess USA for short" he then waved them in pushing the two into the house. " and last but not least the oldest of North America Canada " he points to a girl with a polar bear in her arms. She nodded in hello as she put the bear down and pats its head before walking over to America and smacking her head with her hand

" ow what the heck!!!" America cried out.

" we are North America " Mexico sighs before spinning and glaring dagger at the countries " touch any of my sisters even if it's just a hand shake I will kill you" only to get smacked over the head by Canada as well.

" don't threaten guests especially since your the second youngest in North America"  that surprised the others greatly England stepped forward.

" how did you stay away from us for so long"

Well that was short visit they explain then kicked everyone out for a rude comment made towards America. Well kids moral of the story don't be a fu!king pr!k

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