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{ requested by @west_vriginia_a_nerd }

Alfred loved all of his states with all of his heart so imagine the crashing pain he felt when he returned home from Europe to all of them dead. He felt the stabbing pain of lost is purpose all of his babies. Well that's what he thought until Alaska came running crying his eyes out as he grabbed onto Alfred. Alfred was relived that one was alive but he still felt lost. After learning everything that happened to his babies America was pissed. They where killed by his government when they stumbled upon them. The government never knew the states existed now America knew who to go after. He takes Alaska away from that house after give the others a proper burial. They moved to Alaska state home Alfred cut contact with his government after sending them a threatening texts from his work phone and throwing it into the ocean.

Now back to the present

Alfred sat on the couch blankly looking at the old roof. Alaska sat next to him curled up and asleep the poor kid was to scared to leave America's side. America stays quiet before looking at Alaska and sighing quietly pulling the kid to his chest and patting his head.

" I promise you they won't ever touch you again " he said in to the silent air it lingers and echoed back. " I failed you once but I won't fail you again " he said after a bit hugging his son to his chest. But his mind sings a different song he fears that him alone couldn't protect Alaska if hundreds of soldiers where to drop in any second. Alaska's pale yellow hair makes Ivan jump into his mind. Ivan was definitely protective of his siblings and friends. And Alaska was Ivan's son. Alfred sighs again Ivan should at least know Alaska is alive.

" Aaron " Alfred said Alaska human name quietly. The boy grunts and snuggles into. Alfred chuckles " Alaska wake up".

" noooooo I don't want to go to school " the young child muttered.

" Aaron it's a weekend there is no school " Alfred muses.

" what?" Aaron says finally lifting his head up.

" I will make you food " America said as he lifted the boy off of him sitting him back on the couch as he stretched and walked towards the kitchen.

" wait?!" Aaron shouts sounding scared as he scrambles to get up and rushed to America grabbing onto his leg. " I-I can help " it broke Alfreds heart.

" okay " he smiled and they made breakfast.

Year passed and they stayed in that house building it up and to its former glory. The two laughed and smiled but it was hard. Alaska and America eventually started using sled dogs to get around since they didn't live near anyone or twins they survived in the wild and having sled dogs made it easier. So they had two teams getting the dogs was easy training them was somewhat difficult but they managed well. Alfred leading dog was named Amak and Alaska lead dog was Kanut both where husky mixes. Alfred was getting his dogs in their spots before attaching them to the sled he walked up to amak and pats his head.

" stay put buddy " he then walked past Alaska's dogs who where ready to go. He walked into the house to see Alaska packing some items. Alfred pats him on the back before walking up stairs to his bedroom and sighs as he picked up his phone and pocketed it and heading down when Alaska calls out.

" let's go the dogs are jumping in joy " making Alfred chuckle as he puts the bag Aaron packed on his sled before getting in position.

" how about you lead us Aaron " Alfred smiles as the cold nips at his hands that where bare of gloves. He quickly slipped them on and leans on the sled as Aaron thinks about it. Before nodding and pushing and telling his dogs to go. Alfred follows and gets his dogs started as he gained balance. They where liked that for a while as the dogs ran happily Alfred had spent a lot of time teaching the dogs so they where good his lead dog knows to follow who ever is in front of him same with Alaska's dog.

Alfred looks at his pocket in thought he was still unsure if he should get in contact with the others especially Canada or Russia. He looks up to see Alaska taking a left he leans into the turn when he noticed Amak getting ready to turn as well. They kept up the pace for a while when he noticed Alaska give the command to stop which Alfred told his own dogs and when they slowed he stepped onto the snow with his combat boots.

" I think I saw something up head of us" Alaska said scared " it wasn't what we where looking for"

" bear?" Alfred asked walking up to Alaska who shook his head.

" no..... humans with big guns " Alaska looks at Alfred and opens his mouth before a bang Alaska fell to the ground screaming. Alfred didn't wait he grabbed Alaska and puts him on his sled. And quickly started pushing it forward.

" mush! Mush! " he yelled out to both sled teams as he took the lead Alaska dogs followed behind him as Alfred dodge bullets. He looked behind him to see Alaska dogs and his sled but in the distance men in uniforms with military guns. Alfred narrows his eyes before facing forward thinking as Alaska was quite as he held his wounded leg looking up at Alfred. Alfred could only keep Alaska wake as the dogs trotted growing tried. He eventually got them to stop leading them into the woods hiding the sleds he eventually pulled Alaska out of the sled and treated the injury as best as he could.

" dad" Alaska says nervously reaching out with a hand. America grabs it and rubs circles on his palm.

" you will be okay" Alfred said pulling Aaron closer as the boy cried into his chest Alfred then remember his phone and quietly snagged it and opened his contacts. Until he reaches one label Ivan Braginsky. He clicks on it and quickly closed his eyes taking in a breath as it rings. Alaska noticed and went quiet so he could listen.

"Привет?" A voice said on the other side of the call.

" Ivan " Alfred said looking down at Alaska who looked surprised.

"Альфред, где ты? Ты хоть представляешь, как другие обеспокоены?" Ivan said sounding more awake.
(Alfred Where are you? Do you have any idea how worried the others are )

" yeah okay big guy... I need to ask you something... can you go to ( random Alaska airport) " Alfred said wiping away tears from Aaron's eyes.

"да я могу почему?" Ivan said confused
( yes I can why?)

" I will tell you when you get here don't tell anyone especially not my government or England " Alfred said quietly.

"Ладно? я ... я напишу тебе, когда буду там."
(Okay? I will... I will text you when I'm there)

" thank you Ivan " Alfred said before hanging up. Alaska stays quiet as Alfred sets up the tent they kept on their sleds only putting up one. The dogs who where now unhooked where laying in the tent Alfred and Aaron didn't mind. Alfred gets Aaron in good spot the tent snuggle into a spot him self laying still and quiet he listened to the world around them as the dogs and Alaska slept Alfred stayed awake. He glanced at his son and sighs. Amak looks up at Alfred and move to lay on top of the nation. Alfred pets the dog quietly. He looked back at Alaska his dog Kanut was laying near Aaron's injured leg keeping other dogs off of it.  He spent the rest of the night listening.

{ well this took a while especially since I rewrite it a few times but I hope it's good not my best I don't think}

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