Little bit of freedom and snow

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{ requested by @fangirlofalotofships }
Also I'm making Alfred 13 and Ivan around 15-18

Little America listened England yell at him for something honestly Alfred didn't even know why England was just yelling and yelling the other colonies watched. Canada opens his mouth to say something but would always just close it and look at Alfred confused.

" what do you have to say for yourself " England finally said

" why are you yelling at me? Pretty sure I haven't done anything?" Alfred looks up at him.

" where you not listening! Your people are throwing rocks at my-" England gets cut off.

" WELL it's not like I'm out there throwing rocks am I no! I'm been inside since you grounded me over what ever the hell they did last time! And I'm tried of it" he snapped. " it's not like I control the people! I just represent them and let me tell you! They are tried of you as well! Tried of your tax tried of people walking into their room stealing food hurting their family!" He then tossed his arm out slamming it into a wall and it broke and it kinda looked like a web of damage. Alfred flinched and pulls his arms closer and hugs himself to keep himself from doing it again.

" what in the bloody hell Alfred " England yells out. Alfred takes in a deep breath before turning and sprinting towards and out the door luckily they where in his land so he knew it better. He dodged people working and people holding big baskets shouting sorrys while he did. That was until he slammed into a guy with a scarf.

" oops sorry mister " he then took off again but was grabbed by the guy.

" wait can you help me?" He said his voice soft. Alfred glanced over at the man then away towards the way he was running from and spotted the top of England's hat.

" yep sure but first I got to do something so follow me" he grabbed onto the mans arms and somewhat dragged him towards the woods making a beeline for it the man asked a few questions

" why are you running?"

" getting away from someone "

" oh... who?"

" someone who believes they are my dad which they aren't I don't have a dad "

" hmm.... why the woods" he asked when they where deeper in the woods and when Alfred let's go of his arm.

" I know the woods better then anyone I can sneak away in here. So what do you need? "

" I need to go too somewhere called Yorktown?"

" oh... your along way from their mister " Alfred said.

" of course I am " he muttered looking around. " you aren't fully human are you " he glanced back and by the boys face knew he was right.

" I don't know what you mean by that!?" Alfred was terrible liar.

" well it's nice to meet you I am Russia." He offered his hand Alfred looks nervous but shook his hand.

" I guess I'm the 13 colonies " he said nervously glancing up at the slightly taller man. Who only smiled back. " I can take you to Yorktown " Alfred offers turning to start walking and smiled to himself when he heard Russia follow him quietly. The two walked until the eventually left the forest it by this point was night. Alfred whistled and wait and listened for the sounds of hooves on the ground. A horse neighs and comes to a quick stop before rearing and then came down stomping its hoofs on the ground it tossed its head and walked closer to Alfred and lowers it head to press it to the boy's chest. Alfred giggles and hugs the horses head lightly then let's go and looked at Russia.

" this is my horse freedom runner had her for a long time" the man looked at the horse then back to Alfred.

" interesting " is all he said he couldn't see all that well so he only saw the outline of the horse. Alfred smiles then went to a bag that freedom had around her neck it was loose but not loose enough to slide around. See Alfred had planned on leaving anyway so he put some stuff in the bag for basic survival. Like a fire starter shaped of a eagle sitting on a branch. He lit a fire then quickly made a campfire and dropped the stick with fire onto the wood and sat down. Russia just watched before sitting down shaking his head. They both slept then when they woke up they kept walking with freedom walking behind them.

" so? Why aren't you on the horse why are you walking?" Russia hums looking at America. Alfred looks over at him.

" it wouldn't be fair of me?" America looked back head and kept walking " unless you want me to steal a horse or try and tame and train one " he offered sent a glance his way before looking over at freedom runner who was walking behind him he could feel the horse breathing on his back.

" steal?" Russia looked surprised but shakes his head " you would steal from your people?" Alfred then laughs slightly.

" yes from the ones who are jerks or ones who abuse their horses the good people no I wouldn't " is that bad? Dose he think lowly of me now? Did I mess up? Am I being stupid why am I running from England this so stupid I'm going to be in so much trouble! freedom then trotted ahead then trotted in place Alfred could only giggle at the horse before he stood next to the horse and started jogging in place next to her the horse tossed her head. Russia chuckled and stopped to watch.

" so why are you and your horse doing that?" He asked with a smile.

" she's telling me I need to focus!" Alfred said back " I get distracted by my thoughts sometimes so she makes me jog in place for a while until she's happy?" He looks up at the horse who was still trotting in place she stopped and tossed her head again and Alfred also stopped and patted her shoulder then kept walking. Freedoms right! No need to worry now. Actually he looks at the horse and a idea formed. Freedom from England isn't that bad of a idea. He smiled and kept walking.

Russia sat on a brown mare while Alfred sat on freedom runner. They had found the brown mare abounded. The poor thing was tied up to a tree. Alfred was in front and Russia walked behind him and freedom. Russia also told America his name Ivan so Alfred did the polite thing and told Ivan his name.

" how far left" Ivan asked pushing the brown mare to walk next freedom so he could talk to Alfred easily.

" maybe like a " he froze and took a breath to figure out where he was compared to Yorktown. " three days if we don't stop to sleep and eat four to five if we do" Alfred finally said opening his eyes " three days we will reach it at night four to five days we get there mid day " he waited for Ivan to answer.

" we take longer then" Ivan said after a moment. Alfred nodded softly. They kept on for four days and reached Yorktown. Alfred sat on freedom runner as Ivan dismounted the brown mare handing the reins of the horse to Alfred.

" never asked what exactly where you heading here anyway?" Alfred asked.

" well I was told to go here by my boss but honestly I think it was my boss trying to get me out of his hair " Ivan said with a smirk. " honestly I could probably just tell him I'm just staying for a while and he would just say fine just keep in contact " Ivan said shifting his scarf. Alfred hums in acknowledgment of what Ivan said he was watching so drunk people start yelling revolution in their drunken state it was kinda funny.

" well what do we do now then?" Alfred said leaning forward in the saddle they 'found' for freedom runner. Ivan looks around unsure until he spotted someone he knew.

" I'm going to talk to him he works with my government. Alfred nods and stays put looking up at the blue sky and spotted a eagle in the sky flying in circles. Alfred blue eyes narrowed he got of freedom and wrote a quick note and left on the brown mares saddle as he tied the horse up. He gets back on freedom and sends a final look at Ivan then softly kicks freedom to get her to run he keeps his eyes set ahead of him. He knew something big was about to happening in Boston he need to be there he had to be there and he had a plan. Plan to kick the Great Britain out of his land. That meant he couldn't sit and wait for it to happen he would have to add wood to that fire.

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