Hes just a mask

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The 13 colonies sat in the dark room all of them where looking at each other scared out of their minds.

" he might kill us Delaware what do we do" Georgia said her eyes widened as she glanced towards the door. She had on a dress like most girls at the time.

" we will be fine Georgia remember why I gathered us?"

" because we all have magic?" She muttered unsure.

" yes I think I found a spell well made a spell" he said shaking his head " off topic anyway I can't do it alone we all have to do it"

" and what does said spell do " New York asked

" it will make a mask for all us that we can hide and pretend to be one person. A mask we can take on and off as long as all of the people who will make up said mask is present say England got more colonies near us and they end up belonging to our little group the mask will fall we would have to convince said colony to join us and become one with the mask" he said pulling out a journal and sits in the middle.

" so will we still be are own person " Georgia finally spoke after it was quiet for a while. Delaware nods.

" the mask wouldn't be their own person they wouldn't even be alive." He makes a motion with his hands. " we will be in control like as if we where still in our own body. I don't know what all will happen but we can always put the mask away if needed" The colonies think about it. they all nodded finally and they all chanted the spell a light covered them and when it faded only one person sat. They opened their big blue eyes and lifted a hand and moved their fingers

' it worked' twelve voice said in the shared mind.

' of course it did ' a voice chimes. They didn't get to talk when the door was bursted down. The blue eyed person snatched the journal up and hid it as they turn to face the pirate man. The man looked surprised down at the kid.

" lad did you see a bunch of older kids running around here " Georgia in fear shook the body head then in awe spoke in the shared mind

' we can control the body at our own will like we all can at the same time?' No one said anything as the man walked closer.

" lad are you America?" That confused all 13 of them but rode islands speaks quickly.

" yes! I do but-t you might know me as the 13 colonies I knew.... some of them where they who you where looking for?" He asked nervously looking away quickly.

" why yes do you know where a the few you knew went?"

" they died " rode island said quickly " I saw them die... I ..." he nervously took a step back.

" did you kill them "

"Yes" he said quickly the others in the shared mind where silent until he said that

' you fool' Delaware said

' why ' is all Georgia muttered  the others said some colorful words.

" well that the spirit " the man chuckled picking them up making them all panic on the inside. " I'm England my name is Arthur " he then started walking out of the house not caring if they wanted to go with him.

" hmm okay can you put u- me! Down?" Rode said quickly.

" no your my colony you have to stay with me " they all got nervous they might have to face their older brother Matthew and with the story that rode made up it won't be pretty.

They didn't fight not really knowing how. They where sat down in the house and Georgia took over moving the body as rode took control of talking. The others where listening to the world around them or looking out through the masks blue eyes. Georgia messes with the ends of his shirt abusing the fabric as she tugged and twisted it. Delaware forced the arms of the mask to lay flat against their side.

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