Steampunk/end of the world au

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{ I'm not a huge steampunk fan but I thought hey this might be interesting if it was the end of the world and they had to rile on old mechanical stuff and American used his smarts to make stuff to and try and save the world if you want to make a story out of this just ask I'm interested in seeing we're it could go! Also the world ended due to a alien invasion }

       The American watched the land quietly he hated this. He hated that the world clasped that stupid people ruined the once beautiful land he was born from. He was sitting on top of a pile of scrap metal and stuff his one intact leg was underneath him his mechanical leg was stretched out. The leg he built after he woke up from whatever happened and realized he was missing a whole leg he quickly got to working on what he could find it was mix of sliver, gold, reds,and blues he had to make some of the gears and metal bits out of scrap metal he had laying around.

       The leg worked like a normal leg would he was extremely happy he was smart as  hell or else he might not have survived. He shakes his head and gets up quickly and safely getting down and heading towards a little bit he found he pulled his trust gun he had for a long time as he went to protect his metal and projects he was working on. He was scared of people stealing his stuff. Well when the world ends you as much as you can handle and Alfred already had a hoarding problem as it was.

  He heard a scream of one of those creepy creatures that suddenly took interest in his stuff. He quickly learned they are nocturnal and hated  bright stuff. He runs and shots the gun and watched as the ' alien' clasped

" what in the gods name are you guys?!?" Alfred spoke quietly to him self as he picked up the 'alien' gun. He inspected it and tossed into a pile with other ones. He wanted to study them but he was scared it would blow up so he need to run a few test on them. He looks up as couple figures appear he hid behind some of the scrap piles and waited quietly his eyes widened he was defiantly was expecting company from them.

Russia POV

I watched Canada walk in front of me and Germany and his brother were also in front of me. We all stopped when we hear a scream from one of the or as we call them ' screamers ' it was a name people started calling them. Then a gun shot then silence no more screaming. So we did what any sane human would do and walked in that direction. Germany was talking to Canada about what would they do if they didn't find America but Canada would never really answered that question only looping to a different subject. Prussia was digging in a bag he had pulling out a gun. Loading it he played with some other stuff. I looked back ahead and take the lead I looked at the black shapes they looked like very mess small buildings but they clearly where piles of ........ we walked closer and it's pretty obvious now that it was metal and a bunch of other random shit. We walked deeper into what you could only call a junk yard we passed a lot of stuff I was half tempted to grab some metal gears and gun parts I saw. Wait was that blue prints? He took a step to look at them yep they were. interesting the person living here is smart. The others where looking down at the dead screamer. I kick when I walked over

" looks like it got what it deserved " this made the others chuckle until Gilbert had to say the one thing you never say ever.

" we should split up and explore this place see if we could find something of use or the person that lives here?" Ludwig blankly looks at him and sighs.

" Ja I guess that we should " he walks off muttering something among the lines 'I need a break from him' or something. Canada and Prussia both went the other way leaving me to go back the way we came great. As I walked I heard a slightly curse and a loud crash. I ran over and looked at the person. No I wasn't crying my eyes were just sweating! The person before me was missing a leg and it was replaced with a mechanical leg that was hard to see what color it was but I could remember those bright blue eyes anywhere. We both were just staring at each other before Alfred ran at me and pulled me into a hug I immediately hugged him back afraid to let go in case he disappeared on me.

" Ivan is that really you?" He asked in shock " this isn't a cruel dream or some weird shit like that?" He begged holding onto me tightly.

" I should be the one to ask that " I replied hugging him tighter " you don't understand how lost I was with out you" he tucked his head into my scarf. I rubbed is back to comfort him.

He was actually there he found his sunflower.

{ as I said previously if you want to write this as a story I would gladly let ya :) }

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