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The government was making robots. Theses robots where being made to send to fight instead of humans. And Alfred was one of the prototypes he was number 1/10. He was the earliest of the prototype group 7.1 the ones before them failed. 1.1-6.1 couldn't meet standards and where disabled and taken apart. Alfred cold blue eyes looked at the other nine there eyes ranging from browns to blues. He was the first so he still wasn't the best which didn't bother him. He didn't need to be the best he had helped make the best. He better the scientist working on him so they did better on the next modules. His inhuman blue eyes swept towards the war general in the room. They where being shown off to other nations. Alfred didn't think that was a smart idea but he was a robot he didn't breath,feel,taste,smell. So how could he ever understand humans. He couldn't they are too complicated to understand.

" alright it's time. 1 lead the way the rest of ya follow in order" the old general muttered coughing at the end as he lead the way. Alfred followed after him. This was serious if they didn't use the names given to them. He let his eyes sweep over the floor and walls. His eye spotted a flag. White then blue then red. He looked forward as his mind reached out and latched on to the web. He search it and came up with the flag he then looked back at the flag and placed the image to confirm it( kinda like iron mans suit thing ).That was the Russian flag. He was somewhere in Russia. He could figure out exactly where with the maps on the internet but held back. He was translating conversation quickly. His eyes then snapped back to the general as he opened a door and held it open and nodded at Alfred. He didn't hesitate he walked in and looked towards a the president who waved him over.

" please line up in number order " the president said. The others in the room gave curious glances. Alfred stopped then turned when he was told to. He kept his eyes glued on the wall ahead of him like he was told to do when in a serious meeting. He was quietly searching up information on the people he could see in his line of sight. " Adriana come forward and explain them." A woman step towards them with a smile then turns to the crowd.

" hello I'm Adriana! Now you might be curious as to what they are or why they are here!" She held a clipboard to her chest " well I will say now these ten are not humans!" He heard muttering in different languages. " it's true! One step forward!" Alfred sept forward and turned his head to face Adriana.

" one what is your given name?" She asked

" Alfred " he said his voice didn't sound human it had a kinda glitch too it. The other nine had better voice quality.

" ah Alfred! Okay then Alfred can you tell me who I am!" He scanned her face with his scanner. They didn't have a light thing like other scanners you see in movies. He then went through the files and came to hers.

" you are Adriana Miracle." He started " you have two daughters. One is sixteen the other is three years old. You have been working in the robotic force for twelve years. You where born in Canada then moved to America when you had your first daughter. You are married too Alex miracle your daughters name are summer miracle and autumn miracle" he decided to end it there.

" I didn't know they had my daughters names or Alex " she said nervously but quickly smiled " thank you Alfred. Can you tell me where we are In Russia?" Alfred pulled up a map and located himself.

" we are in Moscow,Russia" he said " I cannot pin point exactly where in Moscow. For a firewall is blocking that information"

" well thank you Alfred for giving me what you could!" She then turned and started rambling then proudly swept a hand at Alfred.

" I helped design Alfred or one " she said with a smile. " I built most of him but unfortunately got sick when I was almost finished so others had to finished him and started building number two" she moved towards Alfred he was somewhat taller then Adriana.

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