My hero academia

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They still remember when quirks formed. In all honesty it was mess up on the magic user side but, the adapted to their new world even thriving in it. But that is a story for a different time.

We will start at a world meeting in Japan! It was chaotic as usual. Chairs being tossed, the younger nations being beings of chaos in the corner, animals being noisy, the usual right! What do you mean this isn't normal? Isn't every meeting like this? Anyway Alfred was happily joking around with his brothers Matthew and Diego.
( I still suck at accents and stuff so just pretend Japan is talking how he normally does;-; also technically they are all speaking Japanese not English.)

" I guess we start the meeting now?" Japan asked quietly standing up and walking to the front of the table " today we will be the start of meeting every nations hero commission... and their hero's " Alfred looked up and smiled but keeping his comment to himself. Japanese quirk was named cherry blossom he could create cherry Blossom flowers. Alfreds quirk was  flying freedom, meaning he could summon a pair of translucent gold wings. Matthews was maple syrup, he could summon ungodly amount of maple syrup. Alfred thinks his brother would die if quirks disappeared. Diego's was day of the dead, he could see and summon the dead to return to the living for a short amount of time. But honestly in Alfreds opinion they shouldn't have gotten quirks because technically they had them before the misshapen they where countries, they are immortal, they are stronger then the average person. But faith decided they got more abilities. He guess it helped them stay hidden because they could pick and choose what they told people what there quirk is.  Like Ivan for example, his quirk was snow storm he could make and control any snowstorms. But he told people his quirk was actually intimidating aura. Which worked pretty well for him

( I'm posting this but it's not going to be finished I'm sorry )

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