The Thunder bird and the arrows

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{ this the god au: I will be writing all of the ideas to see which are better starting with the thunder bird and freedom/trickster god }

Two boys of the Navajo tribe where tired of a big thunder bird terrorizing their tribe. So they to training them selves to shot arrows as high up in the slay as they could.

The older boy by the name of ahiga and the younger boy of the name of Tsela. Trained for days then years when they both became young men they where ready then meet with the chieftain. Who gave the two men two blessed arrows they took the arrows and set of with theirs bows and waited for a storm. When the storm arrived so did the thunder bird. It screeched as it mostly black feathers made it hard to spot but when lighting or thunder happen it's body was visible the bird had a blue sheen when the lighting strikes the two boys take their shot the arrows flew in the air both hit there target a blue flash of lightning a small boy with big black wings jumped from the bird falling body. The young boy then crashed to the ground. The storm faded letting the moon light glow upon the dead thunder birds body and the winged boy. Ahiga and Tsela approached the two the boy looked up at them his blue eyes matched the lighting that would strike the earth. His wing laid stretched out the black feathers shimmered blue. The thunder birds feathers held similar look the two retrieved the mighty arrows. The young boy reached his hands out for the arrows making a noise of want. The boy was determined to be around three. The tribe took the feathers of the thunder bird and used the body to eat on but the boy would refused to eat any of the bird but would play with the feathers. The woman of the tribe made the feathers into items the boy would be able to wear when he was older. A young women of the name of Doli took the winged boy in as one of her own she was the wife of Tesla so it worked out well. They gave the winged boy the name Sialea-lea even though it was a girl name they taught it fit well for it meant little bluebird as his adopted mother name meant blue bird. As time passed it was odd how the boy aged slower then others but the tribe didn't really care they kept raising sialea-lea teaching him a lot. The two who shot down the thunder bird gave him the arrows when the boy reached the physical age of ten even though the boy was much older mentally. When the boy held the two arrows they shifted and twisted into tomahawks. Sialea-lea didn't react only smiled and spun one of the tomahawks. The tribe started to notice the boy would run off or set up pranks and mess with the younger boys but held to much respect for the elders to mess with them. But when he would run off he would be gone longer and more often.

" my son?" doil asked her son " why do you run off why don't you stay?"

" ma I can't stay forever I will have to leave one day a stay away and watch over you all " he said looking up at his mother as one of his younger sisters mess with his hair.

" watch over?!" She asked startled thinking he meant death " what do you mean?!"

" like the great thunder birds. Who travel the air. But I will guard the tribes safety and freedom from outsiders " he explained as his sister looked up at him quietly. " it's my job like how dads was to kill that thunder bird it's mine to protect." She sighs sadly but nodded in understanding she got up and walked off but returning with black feathers. One set was head feathers that would sit nicely against someone's head. Only three feathers where in it . A satchel was made with the black feathers attached. And the rest where different decorations for ones body. Eventually the day came to soon where the young winged boy disappeared from the tribe all of his items gone.

Sialea-lea grew well known and given many different names somewhere maska, Quispe, talako, waman. Another winged boy with wings of white started to be well known as well. The tribes usually listened to the two even started calling sialea-lea the son of a thunder bird and the the boy with white wings who was given the name kanta ( I  might change it) the son of a dove. Even though both where around the physically age of 13 when they first met both had been alive for a hundred years their past families dead they only had each other.
~ now on to the actual story ~

Maska was flying in the sky wings flapped once then twice as he glides on the wind it was night so he blended in for the most part. But ahead of him he saw white wings with a boy fighting against the winds. Where maska could glide easily in the storm filled sky other birds had a harder time of course unless if they where thunder birds. He reaches the boy in seconds he watched him from where he hovers above him. The white winged boy struggling against the storm.

" looks like you need to land and wait this storm out " Alfred called over the wind and rain. He startled the boy as the boy turn in the air and met his eyes. Maska was just slightly above him. His wings almost unseeable in the storm cloud but the blue sheen would show it when lighting flashed.

" who are you?" The boy asked.

" I have lots of different names. Sialea-lea was the one given to me and I came to be" his eyes of blue sparkled at the stranger. " and I know you are kanta" he mused.

"What..... " the boy said nervously. Sialea-lea just let the boy hover before lowering himself and grabbing his wrist.

" you should get to lower ground." And closing his wings so that he would fall dragging kanta with him who screams and try's to stop them from crashing he let go of kanta. The boy hovers and watched maska fall. He flipped over and quickly made him self land softly looking back up at kanta. The boy landed and they talked about anything and everything while the storm raged on. And that's how two brothers meet.

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