Pirates and roayls

777 19 8

{ this is omega verse but none of the sin because I'm to childish to write it with out snickering}

Alfred watched as crew mates ran around getting the ship ready to land at a dock to get supplies like food and stuff. Alfred looks over to his brother and twin Matthew. Matthew looks at his brother then back they stood on opposite sides of the captain office. Both of their parents where busy doing something.

The twins honestly didn't want to know what their parents where doing. They where told to not let anyone in so that's what they where doing. See in this lovely world you have your alphas,betas and your omegas. Both twins landed unluckily in the omega rank like their mother Arthur. It's really uncommon for omegas to be pirates people like to claim omegas as weak and unworthy of greatness. But their mother said 'f you I'm a pirate' joined a bunch of what he called ' bloody fools' and took over the captain spot when the captain got himself killed. Arthur had made quite the name of himself. People jumped to become married to him but he was very stubborn and denied all of them.

Well expect for Francis Arthur had some how ended up falling for him after Francis was drunk and fell into the ocean. Now see thing is alpha tend to be over barring to omegas but Francis was just fine with Arthur being in a higher status then him. Which confused their sons very much.

" you know al we could just walk away " Matthew mutters and shifts his feet bored.

" we where given a order if you want to face a angry iggy be my guest but I'm staying right here" Alfred looks at his brother and saw him roll his eyes. Alfred looks back at the crew. He didn't know a different life style he only knew the pirates life. He looks at what he was wearing.

He had a white button up shirt with long sleeves black pants brown boots that went up to his knees. And a big rich blue jacket that rested on his shoulders. His brother had a matching outfit but with his jacket a deep purple color. Their jackets matched their mothers jacket that was a deep green. Their dad was the odd one out because he liked wearing sleek thin jackets but the color of his jacket matched Matthews. He glanced towards the sea it was calm and steady.

" so do you think this kingdom we are heading too is pirate friendly " Matthew asked with a smirk. Alfred laughs and shakes his head.

" they might have been but I heard we will reach it at midnight " he smirked and looked at his brother who only looked back with a smile.

" as they say a pirates of life for me " Matthew jokes.

" a pirates life indeed " Alfred agreed they both hear the door behind them open. They turn to see a very frustrated Arthur and a slightly upset Francis. Both teens looked at each other with a knowing look.

" get ready we reach land at midnight you know what that means " Arthur says to everyone on the ship. Francis shakes his head.

" I'm telling you. You need to rethink this that kingdom is famous for catching and killing pirates Arthur" he crossed his arms standing up to the omega. Who only looked at him with a frown and kept walking. The twins looked at each other in worry.

" father ?" Matthew started looking up at his father. " what do you mean?"

" the braginsky family is known for hunting pirates it's how they became royalty in the first place " he said shaking his head again.

" so... we have to be careful " Alfred said looking his father in the eyes. Francis gave them a look.

" yes" he sighs giving in.

" I-" Matthew started but stopped.

" your mother is very stubborn " he said softly " both of you got it from him I know you would go anyway no matter what I say".

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