Rusame stuck with a toddler

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{ so like I got this idea from TikToks especially from ryanne95 who has some on her toddler! Which make me laugh so I was like what if so here we are }

Alfred stares down at the toddler who blankly looks back at him. Alfred blinks and narrow his eyes. The kid was up to something and he didn't have a good feeling about it.

" what did you do?" The toddler looks towards where Ivan had went then ran off in the other way. This of course startled Alfred and he scrambles up from the couch and after the toddler he scooped up his child who giggled and clings onto Alfred. That's when ivan found them with a frown.

" so which one of you decided coloring on the wall was fun" he raised a eyebrow at the toddler giggling. Alfred blinks then sighs.

" not again"

" what do you mean by again?!?"  Alfred looks at the toddler and the toddler looks back at him.

" did I say something I didn't say anything right angle?" The toddler giggles and nodded. Ivan puts hand on his face and walked off.

He smiled at his child. You see Ivan and Alfred been together for a while and things happen so when they had their baby both where happy but nether planed for it so they had little time to get the things they need but they managed!
They named their child " Audrey " for it means brave,strong and powerful. And the middle name they chose was "Venus" for it meant beautiful. Oh but any child of Alfred would gain his crazy and stubborn personality. And Audrey Venus braginsky definitely took after her mother Alfred. And oh Ivan was so tired but hey he dealt with Alfred mood swings this should be nothing.... he hopes.

Audrey was sitting on the couch watching tv Alfred was sitting next to her on his phone Ivan siting next to Alfred was watching the two with a smile. See Audrey wasn't full aware of the fact she could get hurt or stuff so she leans forward had falls head first. Alfred of course wasn't paying attention but realized something was wrong when he saw Ivan in a blur pass in front of him and Yelped startled Ivan had Audrey in his arms and sighs in relief as the toddler muttered.

" that was close" making Ivan laugh slightly Alfred was confused and was looking blankly at them.

A few weeks later Alfred was laying on the floor why? He doesn't know he just was. Audrey found him and was sleeply so she walked over and lays on Alfreds chest. Who now is stuck on the floor because one doesn't simply wake up a toddler that is like a death sentence. Ivan finds them a hour later ..... both where asleep.

" and that's why it's so quiet noted " he walked off and returned with a blanket and puts over both and walked away to clean up the house.

Ivan was left alone with Audrey because Alfred had work to do. Ivan was sitting with Audrey on his lap watching tv. He thought she was asleep until Audrey pokes him. Ivan just looks down at her confused as the kid continues to poke him. He honestly didn't mind and let her continue to poke him as he watched tv. Audrey then says loudly.

" give me attention " and oh how that line is so common to him that he replied quickly.

" I am " which made Audrey pout.

" no hug me " she said Ivan smiled and rolled his eyes and hugs the child and continued to watch tv the child went quiet and he eventually heard snores and looked down to see a sleeping child he smiled and eventually feel asleep. When he woke up he had not only Audrey asleep on him but also Alfred who was leaning against him he just smiled at both and kissed both of their heads.

Ivan sat with some paint and looked at a wall then at the child next to him with a smile.

" give me your hand" the child did and Ivan paints her hand. The child giggled as it tickles her palm. " okay now press you hand onto the wall like this" he took Audrey hand an put it on the wall then pulls the hand away and twists it slowly and pressed his kid hand back on the wall" then do that to more times but here" he points " and here" he points to the last spot. The child giggled and dose just that. Ivan paint a yellow circle in the middle then add a green line making the hand prints into a flower. Audrey giggles and paints her own hand and makes more hand prints and Ivan turns them into flowers. Both stepped back and view their work. The wall they did it on was in the kitchen. Let's just say Alfred cried when he saw it he out of pure happiness.

Alfred was busy trying to get Audrey to eat but the kid was being stubborn. Ivan was watching but couldn't help but think ' this revenge for you being so stubborn' but kept that to him self as he watched Alfred struggle for a bit before taking over he quickly got Audrey to eat which made Alfred mad for some reason.

Alfred and Ivan where cuddling as it storms outside. Alfred didn't like thunderstorms it was stupid and he knew it but he couldn't help it. They where laying there when they heard tiny feet running down the hallway and their door slams it open. They always left her door open and leave their cracked. Ivan sat up and looks at her she was shaking nervously before running up to the bed and trying to climb up. Alfred sat up and watched Ivan lift the toddler onto the bed. They sat there quietly before Alfred pulls Ivan back down the toddler went with him. They cuddled during the storm until a very loud boom light up the whole houses making Alfred and Audrey jump and cling to Ivan more. He just wanted to sleep but sighs and hugs both of them before turning so that Audrey lays in between him and Alfred he then hugs Alfred and pulls him closer. Alfred hugs Audrey closer and eventually they all where asleep as the storm raged on.

Alfred and Audrey where watching frozen 2. Audrey was enjoying it so far. Alfred liked the older one better. When it was over Audrey asked him to sing his favorite frozen song so Alfred chose let it go. Audrey looked betrayed

" I meant from this movie " Alfred only laughs.

" you said your favorite frozen song that could count the first one too" Audrey stays quiet.

They where out side their house they lived in the deep country at the moment this made Alfred think that if he left Audrey alone to snag some flowers that where near the house oh how wrong he was he turned around when he heard Audrey say 'no' and boy did mama bear mode turn on quicker then you can blink. He stood behind this man he didn't know him so you know what was about to happen. The man tried to grab Audrey when she said no again like hell Alfred would let him touch his child so Alfred punches the guy landing a hit on his back of his head knocking the guy out. Alfred looks at Audrey who seemed shocked.

" stay here baby I will be back... actually go inside ". Alfred then drags the guy into the woods around his house and tossed him in a ditch when they reached a good distance in the woods. " let the monsters get you ".

After talking Ivan and Alfred got a guard dog. Audrey adored the dog . They adopted a pit bull from a shelter the grey dog was nervous but grew to adore Audrey as well the two where always together. Audrey names the pit bull puppy. Alfred didn't mind Ivan thought the name was weird but didn't say anything. Puppy was happy addition to the family.

Speaking of animals. Audrey gained Alfreds ability to make friends with everything. That's how they got snowball the cat. Audrey was outside with puppy Alfred watching from the porch when a big fluffy cat appeared the cat was all black with a white chin. Audrey saw the cat and squeaked happily and says to puppy

" look a kitty " and giggles the pit looks over at the cat and wags his tail. The cat took interest in the child and dog and slowly crept up to them. Audrey reaches out a hand and giggles as the cat sniffs it the cat continues forward and sniffed puppy's back the pit bull seemed relaxed and didn't think the cat was a threat. The cat eventually climbed up into Audreys lap and started purring softly. Alfred knew in that second they just got a new pet and just sighs.

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