Gods au- ideas

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{ this au is a new idea and will be worked on and tweaked some.  I'm still thinking of  how it  will working or function . This is not the actual story so feel free to give ideas or help me narrow down ideas :) }

Alfred f. Jones:
- black wings with a blue shimmer when light hits it or brown feathers of a eagle
{ depends on which story of birth}

- a god of freedom/ liberty/equality or a lesser god of the moon or a god of pranks and stealth
{ I couldn't decide all were good choices but I'm leaning towards freedom because nation of the free? But like moon~     pranks and stealth ~}

- born from a arrow striking down a thunder bird gaining freedom from the monster or born along with a twin when the blood of the god of the sea and the god of love where staved the blood of both fell into the sea and the two spring from the sea
{ I like both stories/ ideas especially the thunderbird one gives it more spice }

- related or distantly related to the god of  peace
{ depends on story of birth}

- seen in a bunch of different areas but is know to be worshipped the most in the new world/ North/South America

Matthew Williams:
- has white dove wings
- a god of peace or a god of ambition
{ I kinda like both a feel like they mesh well and could both works}

- not much is know about how this god was born many think when two tribes finally stoped fighting this god just kinda fell from the sky or born along with a twin when the blood of the god of the sea and the god of love where staved the blood of both fell into the sea and the two spring from the sea.
{ depends on which story you choose for Alfred}

- related or distantly related to the god of freedom or moon or pranks and stealth
{ depends on Alfreds story }

- seen in different areas of the world but is worshipped all over the world not just worshipped in new world/North/South America.

Arthur Kirkland :
- has a sword that creates big waves and water spouts.
- a god of the sea
- he came around early in the world so much is lost to time
{ open to ideas }

Ivan Braginsky:
- a god of winter / snow storms
- a bad snow storm appear and this god appeared and stoped.
{ open to ideas }

Francis Bonnefoy:
- a god of love { because of course:) }
{ open to ideas}

The others I'm not sure but I think that seems like good?

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