A day in the life of 51 kids

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Alfred wakes up to chaos as usual he drinks his coffee as thing fly about. He was so use to this he didn't even blink when a few of his younger kids started to climb atop of him. Alaska was sitting on his shoulder with Hawaii on the other Nebraska was clinging to his side while he watched the chaos from the safety of their dad body. Alfred closed his eyes and sat the mug down before slowly turning and walking slowly feeling the kids on him clinging to him he was lucky he was so strong or else he might have crumbled along time ago.

" hey y'all we have a meeting! " he said opening the door Nebraska got off and ran to the car almost calling dibs but the 13 made a mad sprint towards the other vans arguing because none of them wanted to get stuck driving the second van. Delaware volunteer to drive and New York tags with Delaware. America fed up with the arguing shots " New Jersey's is coming with me good luck for the rest of you " Nebraska sighs and gets in the back with Hawaii and Alaska. The vans where filled up and they started driving why might you ask well because the nations are revealing all well most of their secrets Alfred was the last too so anything they where allowed I keep most of them but the biggest one had to be revealed and that was the states. Sure he could have just shown them tony but his friend disagreed with that pretty quickly. Alfred didn't blame him he stopped out side of his dc home he got out and watched all 51 kids bolt into the house. Alfred quickly went about the house checking on things and cleaned. He got the 13 and dc to go get food he was left alone with the youngest and was chasing down Florida and the rest of the Deep South states they just broke a lot of glass bottles and Alfred told them to clean it. And they REFUSED Alfred didn't take kindly to that and started chasing them. He scooped up Alabama and Tennessee when there was a knock he froze along with most of the states

" is it our uncles and aunts?" Florida asked them smiled and tried to run past Alfred only to get scooped up. He held the three states and walked towards the door dropping them near the glass

" Hawaii,Alaska make sure they clean"

" yes papa!" Both yelled and glared at the other three. He walked towards the door and opened it slowly. Canada smiled at him while Mexico was watching the sky. He was going to speak when he saw the 13 and dc pull up. He opened the door and let the two walk in and they where swarmed by the states. He helped the others bring in stuff and put it away. The North American nations sat down with the 13 and dc and talked.

" so al what exactly are you going to do if they want to stay and meet the state that are related to them" Matthew asked making Alfred groan.

" obviously tell them no " he said " they won't and will not hurt my states at all."

" I don't want to meet England or Germany " Georgia muttered with her head laying on the table.

" i want nothing to do with Italy.... " New York and New Jersey said at the same time.

" England can go die in a hole" Maryland said in a polite tone.

" amen!" All of the states in the room but Maryland yelled loudly.

" well" dc said looking down at Alfreds phone which he had " we might not have a choice " and gives Alfred the phone. Who just read something then angrily tossed the phone at the wall and cursed as the case protector saved the phone from any damage. Delaware got up and picked it up looking over for damage before walking back and sitting down and reading the message. All the 13 leaned over to read it.

" oh ..... not cool!" Pennsylvania Yelps and sits down and frowns. The other states groaned and got up and left. Alfred takes a deep breath in and out and looked up at his brothers with dead cold eyes.

" I hate this " he slid his phone over to them. Both read it then looked at each other nervously. " I'm going out on a trail ride " he muttered. He had their animals brought over a day before he got there with the states. His horse saw him and trotted over to the fence tossing her head. " hey girly " he chuckled. Texas was sitting on the fence watching his siblings do chores.

" so father you going riding?" Texas muttered with a piece of wheat in the corner of his mouth.

" yep " he puts the lead rope that was on the fence onto the horse ( how to spell that word escapes me at the moment). He saw Georgia had also had a similar idea. Actually he thinks about and smiled " how about we all do at least the states that want too?" A few made noise of agreement and word spread like wildfire most of the states but twenty decided to go. Hawaii was super happy as she brushed her pony next Alaska. Alfred was siting in his saddle thinking of what trail to take. When they where ready they sat out on the trail. He took a trail that went out to the road then around his property which was a decent size. He told Texas to take the front of the group and he would stay in the back. It was nice and calm weird for this household. Alaska and Hawaii where just in front of him. Tennessee was riding right next too him talking about music. They where walking next to the road when Alfred narrows his eyes at the cars coming close. They start heading into the trees as the trail curled away from the road. Alfred shifts his weight in the saddle and shifted his hat that he put on to keep the sun out of his eyes. He lowered his head as the cars got closer. He slowly his horse to a stop. He looked up to watch his state get on the trail in a line. The cars slowed down slightly and Tennessee gave the a wave telling them they could keep going down the road. Alfred moved over slightly to give the car room. The cars passed slowly Alfred moved his horse forward onto the trail after Tennessee. He looked up at the trees above him and enjoyed the ride. When they returned Alfred noticed the other nations with a sigh and made his horse trot up to Texas he slowed and whispered to the boy who nodded and took the reins to Alfreds bridle as Alfred slipped of off the saddle and walked towards the nation's.

" we got here on time" England hissed when he got in ear shot.

" yeah yeah I know " he muttered Canada gave a sad smile. Mexico had walked over to the states and was helping Hawaii and Alaska get the saddles off of there horses. Poland was slightly bouncing as he watched the horse and pony's.

" and? Why where you riding horses with a bunch of children " England said bitterly.

" we are reveling big secret right? Well those children are my secrets " he snapped back " I have very little sanity left today "

" what?" A confused Spain said

" you will know why in a second I'm sure " Alfred muttered as the kids started running into the house when a fuming California walked by dragging Nevada by his hand.

" Cali I swear on god I didn't take your necklaces!"

" oh hush up Nevada I know you did! You stole my bracelet last week!"

" Nevada?" England said narrowing his eyes

" dad! Florida is on the roof again!" Alfred face grows a look that screams ' this happens too often'

" I told you all to keep Florida busy!" He ran off and shouting was heard a while later

" Florida if you make me climb up there! The moon and the stars themselves will cringe at my screaming!" They heard Alfred

" ha! Like you can!"

" holy shit! Dad climb up the side of the house!" A young voice screams.  The nations of the world all look at each other.

{ this isn't great but it's all I have in me for a while

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