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{ this picture is life }

Hero was sitting on the porch he was balancing on his on the thin of railing. See his human Alfred had a lot of people over to many and they brought their pets. Most of them where cats some where dogs. Nasa was sitting on the ground with Friday laying on her. Wild card was a huge cat he said he was a panther what's a panther hero guess wild card was one. Any way they where escaping the other pets. Freedom runner walked over she was allowed to just roam so she walked over to join the conversation.

" have they left yet" she asked with a toss of her head.

" no " nasa said quietly not wanting to wake Friday.

" they better leave soon" wild card said with a slight roar. " they keep looking at me like I might attack " wildcard sits up.

" hero" freedom said looking at the cat " Can you get Alfred I need food he hasn't done that yet the other horses are bugging me about it"

" sure " hero said frowning " someone come with me " wild card sat up and nodded. So He hop down then walk towards the pet door it was big so that wildcard could get in as well. Wild card walked after him. Hero peaks in and walked in wild card huffs in annoyance.

" hey look who it is " a big border collie said walking over to them. He was one of Ivans pet so wild card was chill with him but still didn't speak. Hero rolls his eyes

" we don't got time to play sorry " hero said looking around " have you seen Alfred we need him" the dog titled his head.

" on the couches " he said before walking off. Hero and wild card walked towards them humans and pets of all sorts quickly moved out of the way. Hero guess it was wild card being big and scary making them move. They spotted Alfred and quickly made way to him. Wild card saw a empty spot next to Alfred just right for him so he hop up and lays down looking at Alfred as hero jumps in his lap. Alfred smiles at them and pets wild cards head then hero's. Hero meows at him then jumps down again and walks in circles. Alfred stands up.

" okay you want me to follow you?" Hero didn't wast in time in walking towards the door. Alfred follows as humans start fighting he only sighs and keeps following hero but wild card catches on and roars at the humans stoping the fighting quickly happy with the outcome he exits through the pet door. Hero waits for Alfred to open the door before leaving.

" thank you hero " freedom says nodding her head. Hero just nodded.

" I'm getting on your back and going to the barn with you and Alfred." Hero said walking over to the fence and jumping on it then onto freedom runner. Alfred watched before walking over to freedom and mounted her. I noticed a few countries walking over as freedom started walking quickly towards the barn. Wild card laid down near nasa and Friday who was still asleep. Hero liked sitting on freedom runner and did when her and Alfred went on trail rides or chilling with freedom runner. Hero closed his eyes and enjoyed the ride before opening them when they stopped at the barn. Hero watched Alfred dismount and walk into the barn freedom just followed behind him. Hero stands and walked closer to freedoms neck and laid back down. Most of the horses there where retired race or eventing horse that no one wanted anymore. Some where mustangs that Alfred took in so they can stay wild. A few had really bad story's it made hero said. For example magic or his full name black magic. He was loved by his human very much but after a bad fall on trail left him injured the human couldn't keep him because she was already strangling to be able to feed the horses so she had to give him up. Luckily Alfred took the horse in now the horses was bonded with Tennessee. Tennessee loves magic a lot and helped the horse out a lot. The funny thing is magic is a black Tennessee walker.  Anyway Alfred starts to feed them muttering. ' I'm sorry I forgot' as he finished feeding them all the other ones following them appears. Hero blocks all of them out not interested as he stuck with freedom runner who was eating.

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