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{ I picked these names for the twins *both*
Nanook/polar bear - Canada
Canada name means polar bear

Shenandoah/Wohali -America
I have used the female name before.
Wohali means eagle in Cherokee

Xōchiquetzal/Tlāloc -south Mexico

Xōchiquetzal -was a goddess associated with concepts of fertility, beauty, and female sexual power, serving as a protector of young mothers and a patroness of pregnancy, childbirth, and the crafts practiced by women such as weaving and embroidery.

Tlāloc - is a member of the pantheon of gods in Aztec religion. As supreme god of the rain, Tlaloc is also a god of earthly fertility and of water. He was widely worshipped as a beneficent giver of life and sustenance.

Xochipilli - north Mexico

Xochipilli or the 'Prince of Flowers' was the Mesoamerican god of summer, flowers, pleasure, love, dancing, painting, feasting, creativity and souls. }

Native America looked down at the two babies he found. He was use to this that's how he found his other children. He had more sons then daughters. But his sons didn't know that they had sisters because he was scared for his daughters. The world that he could feel coming where not as fond of females being important part of the world. So when he looked down on his new son and daughter he felt fear for her. He wished all of children could grew up the way they where meant but the world had other plans. He picked the two up and quickly went to his teepee and set the two down he quickly changed them.

All of his daughters come to his secret meeting. They all looked like males but still looked female. They had the body of a female and got mad fun of for it but they where strong and didn't care. He showed them his new daughters and that all started speaking together

" I will name her Shenandoah" he said " but when in public she will be known as Wohali" they all nodded and left for the night leaving him to watch over the sleeping twins

~• time skip •~

Shenandoah didn't understand why she couldn't tell her brother it wasn't really fair in her eyes but she did as her father wished. They where walking in the woods there father in front and there siblings. Nanook was getting upset or unhappy with life he would always fight with there older siblings.

"Wohali, Nanook go off over there and hunt " he then walked off with older siblings following. They walked that way with there bows and arrows. Nanook tossed the bow angrily.

" I'm out I don't want to be apart of any of this!" He yelled out.

" what?" Shenandoah asked nervously

" I want out I'm not going back " he looked up at his brother " Wohali are you going with me?"

" WHAT! you want to abounded our family? HAVE you lost your MIND! I won't I can't " she snarled at her brother and takes a step back

" fine I will go out on my own then good bye brother " he spat the last word out like toxic before running off. She looked down and shook like a leaf. She stayed there trying to grasp that her twin left her.

{ I had a plan but I forgot so I don't know what to do you can suggest some things and I might continue. The name where put down for later use as well for other possible story's}

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