Fathers day

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Alfred sat in Arthur's living room with a bunch of his siblings just chilling until of course Hong Kong pulled out fireworks. Alfred smiled and nudge Canada who then looked up and saw the fireworks and it continued until everyone was looking at Hong Kong.

" so like we can totally set these off in a way that spells Father's Day in the sky?"

" hell yeah let's do that!" Alfred said standing up with a few of them more troublesome siblings and they all ran out side and started setting it up. With Alfred going war chief on them giving commands left and right.


" Francis I'm telling you it's never good when they disappear" he turns to his children " where are your siblings I left they where here I came back they where gone!"

" don't think about it daddy "  one of his daughters said braiding her brothers hair even though it was short.

" yeah dad don't worry " America said wiping his hands on his pants " we didn't do anything " they walked in from outside with big smiles. Alfred fell backwards on to the couch his head landed on Matthew lap. Matthew rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything. Both start arguing over random things. All of their siblings watched. Night fell and they dragged their father's outside and sit down. Hong Kong lights the fireworks and they all watched it exploded they set quietly in awe.

" happy Father's Day " all their kids said once the fireworks ended.

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