Chapter 11

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After 3 days in Iowa Colby went to the airport to go to Venice Beach, California and then to Ireland for the UK tour. About an hour before landing Colby pulled out the velvet box and admired the ring he had made for Rebecca. An older gentleman sitting next to him noticed the ring.

Older Gentleman: That is a pretty ring, who is the lucky girl?

Colby chuckled at that question

Colby: I am the lucky one, but, I have been seeing this amazing Irish woman. She completely stole my heart and to be honest I don't even want it back. She is the absolute love of my life. I fall in love with her more and more each day.
Older Gentleman: Does she feel the same way about you?
Colby: Well she loves me that's all i know but I hope she says yes. She is my entire world.

The plane landed and Colby shook the older man's hand and thanked him for the conversation. He tucked the ring in to his duffle bag and ran to meet Rebecca.

Rebecca: Sethie!!

Rebecca ran into Colby's arms and gave him a long kiss.

Colby: Wow, hey Babe, I missed you so much.
Rebecca: I missed you too, so much.
Colby: Well I talked to Vince and I need to do a promo this Monday on Raw.
Rebecca: Ok, Babe, that's fine.
Colby: Just I need you to wear that Black skirt and black jacket outfit that you wore at the MTV Awards.

Rebecca is rather confused but agrees to wear the outfit.

A few days later Raw rolls around and the show is live in Ireland. Rebecca's family is sitting front row courtesy of Colby. The hair and make team are getting Rebecca glammed up for Colby's "surprise" which they were told about while Colby was getting her outfit on

 The hair and make team are getting Rebecca glammed up for Colby's "surprise" which they were told about while Colby was getting her outfit on

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Rebecca is standing backstage with Vince, Hunter, and Stephanie are all beaming at her and she is thoroughly confused. But it is time for Colby's promo.

Colby: Guys I don't know if you have noticed but I am completely and utterly in love with my girlfriend and I know she loves me too. But I want her to come out here and join me here in the ring. So Becky will you please come out here.

Rebecca makes her way to the ring and hugs and kisses Colby and grabs a mic. While her back is turned Colby gets down on one knee opens the velvet ring box. Rebecca gasps and tears form in her eyes. She is completely speechless all she can do is stand there with her hand over mouth.

Colby: Rebecca Quin, I have completely fallen in love with you and you have stolen my heart and soul and honestly you can keep them. I gave you my heart and I hope you have given me yours. I love you more than words can describe. Rebecca, wil you marry me?

At this point Rebecca is crying.

Rebecca: I- I- yes! Yes, Sethie I will marry you.

Colby smiles and slips the ring onto her finger and they walk to her mom, dad, and brother were all in the front row. Her mom and dad were in tears. Her brother gave Colby a look that fits the saying if looks could kill. But then her brother busted out laughing shaking Colby's hand. Colby walked over to her father who said "Take care of my little girl" and Seth told him he would take good care of her. Then they went backstage where Steph and the entire women's locker room was in tears including the heels. They were met with hugs and joy and congratulations. Then Ashley walks in slowly clapping.

Charlotte: Wow, Colby, you went through all of this to propose? You tried to one up Andrade's proposal to me!

Rebecca glares at Ashley.

Ashley: Aw is the leprechaun mad now.
Vince: Ashley! That's enough! You're fired!
Ashley: You can't do that to me! I am Ric Flair's daughter-

She was cut off but the 2 time hall of famer and 16x world champion himself. Ric Flair, who walks up behind Charlotte just in time to hear the rant she just gave and then she backed into him.

Ric Flair: You may be my daughter but you have been acting like a spoiled, entitled brat! Vince let her keep her job but she gets no title shots until Rebecca decides to give you one.

Vince agrees and Ric shakes hands with Hunter then Colby then Vince. He goes to hug Rebecca but Becky extends her arm to shake Ric's hand. He and Colby laugh and he shakes her hand. Rebecca then walks over and wraps her arms around Colby's waist.

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