Chapter 27

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Meanwhile Rebecca is coming to as Luke and Natalya are talking.

Rebecca: Colby? Where am I?

Natalya and Luke begin walk towards her and Natalye begins to slap Rebecca in the face at first Luke is not to thrilled about but then he gets in on it and hits Rebecca in the face.

Natalya: Look who finally woke up.
Luke: Hey we meet again Babe. Did you miss me? Cause I missed you. Though we both know Colby doesn't love you if he did he would be looking for you.
Rebecca: He is looking for me you sick son of bitch.

With that Luke backhand her. Natalya then grabs her by the throat and starts choking her but stops to let Rebecca regain air.

Rebecca: Natalya why are you doing this? I didn't do anything but rat out your ass to Tyson.
Natalya: You don't get it. You ruined my marriage, you ruined my relationship with Corey, and you ruined my life.
Rebecca: Again you were cheating on my fiancé's best friend. You didn't think I would let that slide did you?

Back to Hunter and Colby after Colby filed a missing person's report for Rebecca. Colby remembers something about driving into town. He remembered an abandoned building. Of course Colby doesn't realize that this is the very building where Luke and Natalya are holding Rebecca hostage. He calls the police and tells them about the abandoned building and then Hunter finally returns to see Colby pacing.

Hunter: Colby you gotta sit down man.
Colby: Hunter I think I know where Luke and Natalya are keeping Rebecca.

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