Chapter 22

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A/N Fair warning some of you may hate me towards the middle of this chapter. I am really sorry if you guys get mad but I thought I would at least be considerate enough and at least warn you.

Colby and Rebecca got back to the hotel together the next night was Survivor Series and the night where 8 women setttle the long debate as to who the real 4 Horsewomen are in WWE. So they decide to go to bed early to get up and get last minute workouts in before the show.
The next day Rebecca wakes up to a note on Colby pillow.
The Note: Hey, Babe, I woke and you looked so beautiful sleeping. So I let you sleep and went out for a run. Be back soon, I love you, Colby."
Rebecca got up and got dressed and went to the coffee shop to get her and Colby coffees. While walking out of the she saw a familiar face it was Luke, her ex that cheated on her.

Rebecca: Luke?!
Luke: Hey, Becky, long time.
Rebecca: Yeah. But the last time I saw you, you were making out with some girl in my apartment.
Luke: About that-
Rebecca: Can it, Luke. I have nothing to say to you other than goodbye.

Rebecca tries to walk away but Luke grabs her arm and jerks her back and she drops the coffees in her hand.

Rebecca: Luke?! What the hell?!

Instead of answering her he kisses her and Rebecca tries to push him off but he is too strong. In that moment Colby walks up to Rebecca and Luke with tears in his eyes. Colby's voice is breaking through the tears

Colby: Rebecca?

Luke finally lets go of Rebecca and before she can say or do anything Colby calls her name in barely a whisper.

Colby: Rebecca?

Becky turns and sees Colby with tears running down his face.

Becky: Sethie, this is not what it looks like
Luke: Becky, I love you, please take me back.

Rebecca turns with anger and tears in her eyes and punches Luke in the face breaking his jaw and nose. By now Colby has ran off. Rebecca tries to call and text him but he isnt responding to either.
Rebecca heads back to their hotel room in tears of what just happened. She finds a note this one has teardrops on it.
The Note: Rebecca, my love, I can't do this. You shattered my heart into a million pieces. I love you so much and I couldn't wait to marry you, but, seeing you and Luke kissing killed me. I hope what I saw isn't what happened but for now this is goodbye. Just know that I love you, I always loved you, and I will always love you.
Rebecca began to cry harder knowing the love of her life just broke up with her over a misunderstanding. She found one of his shirts that smelled like him and put it on and called an uber to take her to the arena since her ride left without her. Upon arrival she asked around to see if anyone had seen Colby unfortunately no one did. So she went to the one person that would drop everything and help her, Ashley.

Rebecca: Charlotte, I need your help.
Ashley: Rebecca you look terrible.
Rebecca: Thanks, people love hearing that.
Ashley: Sorry what I meant to say was, what happened?
Rebecca: I think Colby broke up with me.

Ashley's eyes got wide and she shot straight up and looked at Rebecca and grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

Ashley: Rebecca what happened.
Becky: Luke Sanders happened.

Ashley was both shocked and confused.

Ashley: The ex that cheated on you in your own apartment.
Rebecca: The one and only.
Charlotte: Ok tell me what happened.
Rebecca: I went to the coffee shop while Colby went out for a run this morning.
Ashley: Ok then what?
Becky: I spotted Luke standing out side the door and I went off at him for being a cheating asshole and he grabbed me and yanked me back to him causing me to drop mine and Colby's coffees. Then he kissed me as Colby was running by and before you ask no I did not kiss Luke back in fact I tried to push him off but the jackass is strong as hell.
Ashley: Ok so said Jackass forced himself on you?
Rebecca: Yes. And Colby saw the whole thing and before I could explain Colby ran off crying and I turned and broke Luke's jaw and nose with one swift punch
Ashley: Damn, Rebecca. Remind me to never piss you off ever.

After that Ashley starts thinking and then it comes to her. She knew exactly how to get them back together. All she had to do was get them in one room for Rebecca to explain everything to Colby.

Ashley: Rebecca, I got it. I have an idea, just trust me. And dont give me that "My ideas are usually crazy or life threatening" bull. Just trust me.
Rebecca: If it helps me get Colby back then go.
Ashley: Ok, stay here.

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