Chapter 1 aka introduction

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Buzz buzz

I woke up to the most annoying and disgusting noise you could ever wake up to. My alarm. I sit up and just think. I think about how today is the day. The day I go to the best place in the world. School. Can you hear the sarcasm.

School is rough and yeah it can be stressful but Im pretty smart so my grades don't effect me. Your probably wondering why I hate school. Well its all his fault. Payton fucking  Moormeier.

At school

I walk in with my hood up and my head down. I quickly move throughout the halls until I reach my locker. Once I'm there fear starts to kick in like where is he or I hope he doesn't recognize me from last year. I start to shake and mess up my combination.

When I start to do it again I feel hands press against my lower back slamming me into the locker doors. I look back to see Payton standing there with a smirk. I look around behind him and see his little gang. Jackson, Jaden, and joey stood there. I know weird that they all start with J's.

"What do you want?" I say with a groan. He soon lets go but right after he flips me so my back is against the lockers. Jackson and Jaden hold my arms against the lockers while Payton and Joey stand in front of me.

"Joey" Payton says gesturing for Joey to step up. Joey walks so its just me and him face to face. He's about my height maybe a little taller and I've known Joey longer than Payton has but every since that day he ditched me and hung out with Payton. I look deep in his eyes with anger. I can tell he was sorry with look on his face but before I could do anything his fist slams right into my gut.

Joey slams more punches into my stomach until I spit out blood. Joey looks at me, worry in his eyes. He steps back and right at that moment Jaden and Jackson let go to leaving me to fall to the floor. The three boys walk so their behind Payton now. I look up at Payton while my whole chin is covered in blood.

"So now you let them do all the dirty work for you?" I say with a slight smirk. I see how his face changes and with that he punches me right in the nose giving me a bloody nose.

I look up at him holding my nose as blood poured out of it. I could see the smirk on his face as he walked away without another word. After that I cleaned myself off and limped to my class.

After School

I decide to take the bus home since I hate walking. I sat all the way in the back. I put my earbuds in and played anxiety by blackbear. I soon feel the seat sink lower. I knew someone had sat next to me but who? I look to my right to see this guy with black hair. He turned to face me and right then I knew exactly who he was. Chase Hudson. Paytons best friend. Great.

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