Chapter 2

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Soon after I realized who had sat next to me I look away. I throw my hood up and turn to look out the window. I definitely did not want Chase to know who I was.

When the bus made it to my stop I go to get off but Chase stops me.

"Hey don't I know you?" He said with a smirk. I look down not wanting to show my face to him. He soon stands up forcing me to look at him. Then out of no where he looks up and his whole face expression changed. He sits back down and lets me go through. I look to where Chase was looking to see him. Payton fucking Moormeier.

He was giving Chase a death stare as if Chase just killed his dog. When I walk to the front of the bus, Payton doesn't stop me. Weird. I just hopped off the bus and walk straight to the front of my house not looking back. When I was about to close the door behind me I felt something stopping the door from closing. At that moment fear started to flood my brain. When I turned my head to see what or who was keeping this door from closing I felt tears fill my eyes.

I turned around to see Payton standing there with his hand on the top of the door. He just stood there with a smirk on his face. I start to back away into my house as the tears fell from my eyes. My mom is always at work and my dad left us when I was 5 years old so the only one in the house was me.

"What do you want Payton?" I ask while Im still moving slowly away from him. He just lets himself in and closes the door behind him.

"I wanted to see where you live" He says as he moved toward me. I start to move faster away from him. "Why?" I ask. I furrowed my eyebrows as I wipe the tears off my cheeks.

"For the project?" He says. I was confused at first but then realized my English teacher assigned me a partner for my essay since my mom is never home to help me. But I didn't know it was Payton.

I feel the pressure on my shoulders fall and the fear slip away. I sit down on my couch and place my head in my hands. I feel the couch sink in next to me. I look to my left to see Payton sitting next to me. I still fear him so I scoot over a little.

"What did you think I was doing here?" He asked with a giggle. I look over at him my eyes still glossy from the tears. My eyes were red and they stung a little from the cold air in my house.

"Did you think I came to hurt you?" He said with a smirk. He stood up and walked around in circles with his hands on the back of his head. "Thats what you think of me?" He said. I literally was really confused on what he meant. I mean he attacked me today in the halls. What did he think I would think.

"You literally just attacked me like 4 hours ago" I say as I stand up with my arms crossed. I look at him until he looks at me. When our eyes met, I immediately looked away. Dame he's cute.

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