Chapter 17

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Ok before I start, just wanted to say this book is changing (slowly but surely) into a Joey Birlem fanfic. Just warning for those who want this book to be just Payton.💛💛hope you still enjoy.

At Jacksons Party

I hop out of Joeys car and was about to run in to find Payton but then feel someone grab my wrist. I thought it was Joey so when I turned around I was in utter shock. I turn facing the person who just grabbed my arm to see Chase Hudson standing there with a smirk.

L: what do you want Chase?
C: we never finish the incident on the bus
L: what ew no leave me alone
C: ah ah ah not so fast pretty lady

I move a tad to get away from him just for him to pull me closer to him. Then out of no where he starts to kiss me. Roughly. Your probably wondering where Joey is. You see, he got out before me while I sat in the car over thinking ever detail that might go wrong tonight.

??: HEYYY!!

I pull away from Chase to see Payton running over here. Before I could do anything, Chase roughly moves my head to face him and starts to kiss me again. I try to pull away but he wont let go. Out if no where, a fist slams into Chases face, causing him to fall to the floor.

P: get your dirty hands off her!!

When Chase fell, he still had his hand on my wrist causing me to fall over as well. I fall right next to Chase and felt a sharp pain in my stomach.


Before I knew it, I was coughing non stop. Soo I feel arms wrap around my waist pulling me off the floor. I turn around to be faced with Joey. Joeys been there more than Payton so he knows when my gut acts up.

He pulls me up off the ground and turns me around so I'm facing him. Mind you I'm still coughing like crazy.

J: your alright I got you!

Joey helped me walk to the car so he could take me to my doctor. Yes I have a doctor since the internal bleeding never went away. He places me gently in the back of his car and closes the door.

Paytons POV

I punched Chase and before I knew it both him and Lizzie were on the floor. Chase immediately stands up. I take my eyes off Lizzie and start to beat the fuck out of Chase. He should never treat a girl, especially Lizzie, the way he treated her.

???: Payton stop!! Your gonna kill him

This voice sounded familiar, too familiar. I turn around to be faced with my sister Faith. Then I turn my attention to where Lizzie was to see her gone.

P: Lizzie!! Wheres Lizzie!?!
???: I saw Joey carry her to his car!!

With those words I ran to Joeys car to see him just getting in.

P: wheres Lizzie!
J: shes in the backseat. I need to take her to her doctor.
P: why? What's wrong?
J: internal bleeding? Ring a bell?
P: shit I'm coming.

Before Joey said another word I jumped in the passenger seat and turn my attention To the backseat. There I saw Lizzie laying there coughing every once in a while.

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