Chapter 6

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...I blacked out.

I woke up in a haze. My head felt like it was going to explode. I sit up and realize I'm in a janitors closet. I start to freak out. Where am I? Am I still in school? These questions ran through my brain like they were having a marathon. I look around the room and saw a dark figure. My heart began to race as the palms of my hands began to sweat. The longer I looked at the figure I started to recognize them. My eyes adjusted to the darkness allowing me to see the figure more clearly. I realize that their crying.

"Ahh" I wince as I sit up. I then remember how before I blacked out I was being beat up by Payton and his little gang.

"Lizzie oh my god are you ok?" I heard this figure say. I looked up at them and scooted away.

"Stay away!" I say. The figure stops moving and just sits on a bucket.

"You probably cant see me but its Joey." He says. I start to squint my eyes as I examine him. It is Joey!

"What do you want?" I said crossing my arms.

"I wanted to make sure your ok."

"But why? Its not like you care about me."

"I do!"

"Then what about that night?!"

Ok so your probably confused. Before that night Joey and I were best buds I mean we hung out everyday. But one night we went to our first party and promised each other that we wont leave the others side at all costs. Well half way through the party Joey decides to hook up with this cute girl. Of course I let him I mean I didn't like him so I was his wing girl. But then the next morning he left the party completely and the girl was still here. I was confused as to why she was still here thinking that they went somewhere else to hook up. Oh no he decided to leave to go hang out with Payton and his gang. After that night he never talked to me again.

"I-Im sorry Lizzie" Joey says as he lowers his head.

"Sorry? Its been two years Joey and you finally decide to say sorry. Oh and did you forget you bullied me over those years!" I start to feel tears fill my eyes.

"You hurt me joey. Mentally and physically." I say as my voice cracks a bit from crying.

Joey then stands up walking toward me. I don't move away this time. I feel him wrap his arms around my wait pulling me into a tight hug. When we separated, I looked into his brown eyes, and boy were his eyes gorgeous. Before I knew it Joey and were leaning in about to kiss until the janitors closet opens.

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